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白白浪费了一整天。Diddle a whole day.

不要虚度你的时光。Don't diddle away your time.

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哎呀呀,哎呀呀我的儿子约翰。Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John.

哎呀呀,哎呀呀,我的儿子约翰。Diddle, diddle dumpling. My son, John.

上下快速拨动电灯开关看看是否来电了。Diddle the switch see if the light comes on.

如果你给他们机会,他们就会把你骗得一分不剩。They'll diddle you out of your last penny if you give them the chance.

陈皮假意认错,骗取二月红信任。Dried tangerine or orange peel hypocrisy mistake, diddle red trust in February.

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场所老大霞姐和司机联手骗取丁佳的钱财。Elder sister of spatial old glow and driver together the gold of diddle Ding Jia.

有的则撒谎装病,骗取医生的处方去购买吗啡类物质。Some lies malinger, the prescription of diddle doctor goes buying herion kind material.

买来各种虚假荣誉证书是骗取消费者信任的第一招。Buying all sorts of false and honorary certificate is the first action that diddle consumer trusts.

黄女士说,骗子早已在“百度”上设了套,一步步骗取上当者的信任。Huang says, cheater is in already " Baidu " on set set, one step by step the accredit of the person that diddle is duped.

伤愈今后的东野裕美化装成******,骗取小油菜的信任,小油菜允许帮他找到组织。From next DongYe yu beauty masquerading as a communist, diddle small rape of trust, small rape allow help him find organization.

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追求遭到回绝报仇不成丧命在戴维讨要房子的威胁下,为骗取保险,、梅南亲手点燃了自家的房子。Pursue not killed by rebuffed at David for revenge for the house under the threat of diddle insurance, and MeiNa personally lit their house.

后,回到辽宁的张冬冬并没有收手,再次以上军校为名骗取在辽河油田工作的曹某24万元。Since then, back in Liaoning, Zhang Dongdong did not receive the hand, again above Cadet name diddle in Liaohe oil field work Cao 240000 yuan.

以承诺高额回报为诱饵“打白条”和出具公司收据等方式骗取消费者的钱财。With acceptance redound of high specified number is bait " dozen white " and issue the means such as company receipt the gold of diddle consumer.

本报讯伪造虚假交易网站,骗取对方账户的用户名、密码,并经转卖装备获利。Report from our correspondent is forged trade phonily website, the user name of account of diddle the other side, password, gain profit via resell equipment.

在我们生活的世界,人们把陪孩子玩、上厕所以及“睡前运动”的时间都浪费在手机上了。We live in a world in which people diddle on their phones while playing with their kids, while at the urinal and before extracurricular activity in the bedroom.

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欺诈罪是指欺诈他人、骗取财物或财产上的利益,或使圈外人得到财物或财产上的利益,并造成他人财产上损失的犯罪。Fraud means fraud others, diddle property or property on the interests of a third party, or get property or property benefit, and cause other belongings loss crime.

念力转机是一只机械玩具,由一根简单的木棍和第二根有一系列刻痕和棍尾处有螺旋桨的木棍组成的。Diddle A gee-haw whammy diddle is a mechanical toy consisting of a simple wooden stick and a second stick that is made up of a series of notches with a propeller at its end.

得知侦探社旧舖装修后重新开张,珍妮便上前看个究竟,发现富贵联同食品代理骗取了佐治的财产及店舖。That detective agency old shop reopened after decorating, Jenny to see actually, found riches and honour in conjunction with the food agency diddle property of George and stores.