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你不该亏待他。You shouldn't have treated him shabbily.

这是一间简陋的、家具破破烂烂的房间,里面有一张床。It was a mean, shabbily furnished room, with a bed in it.

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是男人,衣衫褴褛。他们都用空洞的眼神看着她。Men. Shabbily dressed, they all looked at her with vacant eyes.

他向四周看了看,发现个衣衫褴褛的乞讨者。He looks around and finds that there is a beggar with shabbily dresses.

在雨林深绿色背景的映衬下,这只熊的毛发显得异常油光闪亮。Set against the dark palette of the rain forest, the bear's fur appears shabbily radiant.

该单位拉了一个沉重纹身和衣衫褴褛的年轻人一起步行蹒跚。The unit pulls over one heavily tattooed and shabbily dressed young man walking with a limp.

杰克可能对你相当刻薄,但是如果他现在处境很困难,我认为你还是应该帮助他。Jack may have treated you rather shabbily , but if he is in serious difficulties I think you should help him.

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在这期间,斯诺受到了美国新闻界和政界极不公正的对待,由于他的观点,他受到了迫害。Snow was treated very shabbily by the U. S. press and officialdom during the period, victimized for his views.

在这期间,斯诺受到了美国新闻界和政界极不公正的对待,由于他的观点,他受到了迫害。Snow was treated very shabbily by the U. S. Press and officialdom during this period, victimized for his views.

1938年他的辞职,部分原因就是他认为他的首相张伯伦对待罗斯福的态度不体面。He had resigned in 1938 partly because he thought his prime minister, Chamberlain, had treated Roosevelt shabbily.

我们经过装饰着鲜艳塑料花的苏联式衣橱,来到糖果区。We pass shabbily made Soviet-era wardrobes festooned with neon-coloured plastic flowers and into the sweets section.

另一方面,伊斯坦布尔,德黑兰,新德里和其他日益增多的密集分布的和不体面的城市正在等待着成为废墟。Tehran, New Delhi and other increasingly dense and shabbily constructed cities, on the other hand, are rubble in waiting.

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另一方面,伊斯坦布尔,德黑兰,新德里和其他日益增多的密集和不体面的城市正在等待着成为废墟。Istanbul, Tehran, New Delhi and other increasingly dense and shabbily constructed cities, on the other hand, are rubble in waiting.

杰克可能对你相当刻薄,但是如果他现在处境很困难,我认为你还是应该帮助他。他毕竟是你的弟弟啊!Jack may have treated you rather shabbily , but if he is in serious difficulties I think you should help him. After all, he is your brother.

史密夫的文本绘画不求细腻工整,使用随机著色附阴影的字母,且充满错拼的字,教人发笑。Bob and Roberta Smith's text paintings are shabbily made, using random coloured "drop shadow" letters, and are full of hilarious misspellings.

一个周一的早上,我在上班的途中看到一个衣衫褴褛,头发又长又脏的男人脸朝下倒在人行道靠近慢车道的边上,一动不动。Monday morning, on his way to work I saw a shabbily dressed, dirty long hair and men fell to the sidewalk face down near the edge of climbing Road motionless.

当分组来到一条溪流,他们发现了一个衣衫褴褛,脏乎乎的孩子,他看起来和公主一样大,也可能是难民从邻近的国家跑出来的。When the group comes to a rivulet, they find a shabbily clothed, dirty boy, who looks as old as the princess, and probably is a refugee from the neighbour country.

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有一个人在拥挤的车流中开着车缓缓前进,在等红灯的时候,一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩敲着车窗问他要不要买花。There was a person driving ahead slowly in the busy traffic jam, stopping at the red light, suddenly a boy who was wearing shabbily knocked at the car window, and asked if he wanted to buy flower.