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从现在起,狂欢开始了。From now on, the revelry starts.

我父亲终止了那次狂欢宴会。The revelry was snubbed by my father.

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不过在那狂欢的盛宴中却很容易被狂热所感染。But it was easy to get caught up in the revelry.

在这个应该狂欢的时刻,夜却已沉默。In this should the revelry time, the night actually silence.

现在,我的感觉拿起遥远的声音狂欢正在进行中。Now that my senses pick up distant sounds of revelry in progress.

一连几天都是宴会、痛饮、舞蹈和狂欢。The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days.

怪异荒诞的面具在法国尼斯四旬斋前狂欢中上下摆动。Grotesque masks bob along in a burst of pre-Lenten revelry in Nice, France.

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奇形怪状的面具在法国尼斯市的大斋节前的狂欢游行时一路摇晃。Grotesque masks bob along in a burst of pre- Lenten revelry in Nice, France.

这款来自美国的钻戒喜糖会令所有的客人欣喜若狂,与新人们一起陶醉在这甜蜜时光中。This candy ring lets all guests participate in the ring revelry and have a treat at the same time.

凌晨两点,邻居们叫警察来制止公寓楼上的饮酒狂欢。At 2 A. M. the neighbors called the police to quell the bacchanalian revelry in the upstairs apartment.

龙套---临时表演,这些,那些,他们,我们,一如早就熟悉的每一个狂欢的节日画面。Figurant is a temporary performance, this and that, them and us, like the revelry of familiar festivals.

龙套---临时表演,这些,那些,他们,我们,一如早就熟悉的每一个狂欢的节日画面。Lucky Star is a temporary performance, this and that, them and us, like the revelry of familiar festivals.

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天交二鼓,刺客趁酒兴离开了阿衡,向日月阁奔去。Days to pay two drums, taking advantage of revelry left Aheng assassin, ran to the sun and the moon Pavilion.

俄罗斯民众正在举办“薄饼节”庆祝冬天的结束,“薄饼节”持续一周,是起源于前基督教时期的一个全国性的狂欢节。Russians are also celebrating the end of winter with Pancake week, a pre-Christian carnival of revelry across Russia.

邀请很多人肯定在财务上很愚蠢—谁会想要花几年去偿还这一天狂欢的代价?To invite lots of people was surely financial folly – who wants to spend years repaying the cost of one day's revelry ?

她有着良好的生活习惯,抽烟、饮酒、通宵达旦的宴饮狂欢都不会发生在她身上。She has the good habits and customs, will smoke, drinks wine, to feast the revelry all night long not to occur on her body.

你们的空间和灵性家人们充满爱和祝福的拥抱你们,我们一起的集体狂欢的时间就在眼前了。Your space and spiritual families enfold you in Love and blessings and the time for our collective revelry is close at hand!

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你需要的只是注意不要上传醉酒狂欢或是其它会给你带来麻烦的照片即可。Just try to refrain from posting photos of drunken revelry or other questionable images that could land you in some hot water.

它和那些庆祝春季土地肥沃和祭祀以及村社集会的城镇和农村的狂欢活动紧密相联。It is most associated with towns and villages celebrating springtime fertility and revelry with fetes and community gatherings.

和孩子一样,我被她在与狄俄尼索斯,希腊酒神的战斗中的表现完全吸引,独占了我脑中的一方天地。As a kid, I was totally in love with a scene in which she smashed Dionysus, the Greek god of revelry and wine, in the head with a column.