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平常的庆贺人群明显稀稀拉拉。The usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent.

我为这家公司的开业写了一幅贺联。I wrote a congratulatory couplet for the opening of the company.

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他们感到他那过于刻板的祝词缺乏热情。They fell a lack of warmth in his exceeding formal congratulatory speech.

卫生部部长陈竺向大会发来了贺信。Health Minister Chen Zhu, to the General Assembly sent a congratulatory message.

联合国秘书长潘基文向大会发来贺信。UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent a congratulatory message to the conference.

建设部副部长黄卫发来贺信。Deputy Minister, Ministry of Construction Huang Wei sent a congratulatory message.

开幕式上,联合国秘书长潘基文等发来贺信。The opening ceremony, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent a congratulatory letter.

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到学校寄来的贺函,他才知道自己被录取了。He didn't know he was enrolled until he received a congratulatory letter from the school.

在位于东京的皇宫外,前来道贺的民众也在宾客留言簿上写下了祝福。The public also turned out to sign congratulatory guest books outside Tokyo's Imperial Palace.

女方父母指望那些收到老婆饼的人会给贺礼。Those who received the bridal cakes, were expected to present congratulatory gifts to the girl's parents.

然后座到他自己的金銮宝座上,听人朗读各朝臣的贺词。He would them take his place on the throne and listen to a reading of congratulatory messages from his palace courtiers.

得知营救行动取得成功,韩国总统李明博向军方发出贺电。That the success of rescue operations, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak sent congratulatory message to the military.

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外交部长杨洁篪也与土耳其外长达武特奥卢互致了贺电。Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also exchanged congratulatory messages with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu.

日本首相鸠山由纪夫、中国国务委员戴秉国为论坛发来贺辞。Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo sent congratulatory messages to the forum.

对于这个相互祝贺的俱乐部中的每一方而言这是个多么狡猾的公平的安排啊!What an insidious quid pro quo arrangement for all parties involved in this club of mutually congratulatory back-slapping!

在当选后的第二天,我收到了无数祝贺的电话和电报。On the day after the election, awash in congratulatory calls and messages, I went to work on what is called the transition.

我在当地的市民俱乐部做了个演讲,和朋友玩得很开心,收到了许多令人高兴的祝贺信和电话。I spoke to a local civic club, spent good time with my friends, and enjoyed a raft of congratulatory letters and phone calls.

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同日,国务院总理温家宝与芬兰总理基维涅米互致贺电。Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on the same day also exchanged congratulatory messages with his Finnish counterpart Mari Kiviniemi.

同日,国务院总理温家宝与新加坡总理李显龙也就中新建交20周年互致贺电。On the same day, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao exchanged congratulatory messages with his Singaporean counterpart, Lee Hsien Loong.

同日,外交部长杨洁篪也就中尼建交40周年与尼外长阿朱莫戈比亚互致贺电。On the same day, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also exchanged congratulatory messages with his Nigerian counterpart Odein Ajumogobia.