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我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。vt. Our envoy was accredited to the new government.

董事长将任命你做他的助理。vt. The president will accredit you as his assistant.

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这架食品加工机可将各种蔬菜切丝切条。The food processor can shred all kinds of vegetables vt.

学院是否合格可由地区各协会作出鉴定。vt. Colleges may be accredited by regional associations.

我们把电灯的发明归功于爱迪生。vt. We accredit the invention of the electric light to Adison.

对应的电压与时间关系曲线则反映了阻挡层厚度的变化。The Vt transients reflect the change of the barrier layer thickness.

党卫队武装部队最初称为党卫队特别行动队。The armed SS was initially termed the SS-Verfügungstruppe or SS- VT.

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美国教育部并不给学校授权。vt. The United States Department Education does not accredit schools.

当飞行结束,飞机着陆时,他向珊米询问丽莎。When his flight was over, he landed his VT and asked Sammie about Lisa.

作为参展商的销售代表,VT有权在对外报价上收取适当的手续费。As a sales incentive, VT will charge a commission on FOB pricing provided by SC.

在美国佛蒙特州蒙的首府彼利埃,佛蒙特州高级法院被要求证明一只狗的重要性。MONTPELIER, Vt. – Vermont's highest court is being asked to decide what a dog's love is worth.

荷伦德先生跟妻子还有三个孩子生活在佛蒙特夏洛特市一座5000平方英寸的房子里。Hollender lives with his wife and three children in a 5,000-square-foot house in Charlotte, Vt.

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一般来说,VT和VF是致命的心脏病,但可以通过及时电击疗法来治疗。VT and VF are fatal arrhythmia for patients, but timely electroshock is a good remedy for them.

当人们更好的了解了环境如何对他们自身产生影响的时候,他们会更加的关注环境吗?Wouldn’t people care more if they had a better understanding of that?— Tim Douglas, Stowe, Vt.

荷伦德先生跟妻子还有三个孩子生活在佛蒙特夏洛特市一座5000平方英寸的房子里。Mr. Hollender lives with his wife and three children in a 5, 000-square-foot house in Charlotte, Vt.

通过临床随访包括动态心电图观察室速发作情况。The recurrences of VT were monitored through clinical follow-up including dynamic electrocardiography.

某个冬日早晨当我在美国佛蒙特州瓦特贝利市等火车时,再次想起自己是多麽地偏爱火车。I was reminded how much I prefer trains as I waited for one on a frigid December day in Waterbury , Vt.

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此外,VT集团的综合解决方案单位将作为该合同的一个分包商。Additionally, VT Group’s Integrated Solutions business unit will act as a subcontractor on the task order.

经导管局灶消融可成功消除短QT综合征的多频率室速和室颤。The multiple VT and VF associated with short-QT syndrome can be eliminated with focal radiofrequency ablation.

在战机升高的过程中,麦克斯看到了森林和大草原的全景,骷髅中队和沃尔夫战队已经转向荒漠进发。As the VT rose, Max had a full view of the forests and steppes the Skull and Wolff Pack had turned to wasteland.