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不要舔舐筷子。Licking your chopsticks.

熊熊的火焰舔舐着墙脚。Flames are licking at their walls.

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一天,我开始舔嘴唇。One day, I started licking my lips.

海浪轻轻拍打着海堤。The waves were licking the seawall.

亚历珊卓,今天没有舔冰块?Alexandria, no licking the ice today?

孩子们正舔吃着冰糕。The children were licking at the ices.

火舌正往窗户外面窜。The flames are licking out of windows.

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打台球时,我把他打得大北。I gave him a good licking at billiards.

细浪轻拍着岩石。The small waves were licking at the rocks.

我看到一个小孩在吃冰淇淋蛋卷。I saw a small boy licking an ice-cream cornet.

是否会想用舌舔疮口?口苦?口乾?Painful? feeling better after licking the sores ?

他们可能正俯下身子舔舐他们的伤口。They could be lying low and licking their wounds.

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给领导溜须拍马也是他的专长。Licking the leaders'foots is also his strong point.

因此,“舔食蜂蜜”成为了我的贺拉斯座右铭。Hence "licking the honey" became my own Horatian motto.

在壁炉里,火焰正吞噬着干柴。In the fireplace, the flames of fire are licking the logs.

不久,猫的嘴巴又开始流口水了,想再去舔一舔猪油。The cat's mouth soon began to water for some more licking.

我猜斯拉维克现在一定在一边舔伤口一边策划新行动。I know Slavik is licking his wounds and hatching new plans.

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嘴边沾了一些油迹,他仔细舔了一下。Some mouth soiled with grease, he carefully licking out of the.

爱一个瞧不起你的女人无异于荆中舔蜜。To love a women who scorns you is like licking honey from thorn.

不久我就发现卢卡斯把涂在它身上的抗生素软膏一点点地舔了下来。Afterwards I noticed Lucas licking the Neosporin off of his sore.