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不要忘了抹点防晒油哟!Don't forget your sunscreen.

我早告诉你要擦防晒油了。I told you to use sunscreen.

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滑块有防晒霜卷。Sliders have sunscreen rolls.

我抹的防晒霜足够多了吗?Do I have enough sunscreen on?

使用SPF值至少为15的防晒霜。Wear a minimum SPF15 sunscreen.

可不要忘了抹点防晒油。And don't forget your sunscreen.

选择物理成分防晒乳。Select the physical sunscreen ingredients.

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防晒剂保护的争议已经升温。Sunscreen protection controversy heats up.

我们应带上浴巾和防晒剂。We should pack beach towels and sunscreen.

你需要防晒霜和驱蚊剂。You'll need sunscreen and insect repellant.

天气将较热——请带上防晒油。Weather will be hot -- bring your sunscreen.

越来越多的日光浴者用上了防晒霜。More and more sunbathers are using sunscreen.

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对于防晒有不少误区。There are many misconceptions with sunscreen.

没有擦防晒霜我会晒得和龙虾一样红通通的。Without sunscreen i'll get as red as a lobster.

没有擦防晒乳我会晒得跟龙虾一样红通通的!Without sunscreen I'll get as red as a lobster !

选择防晒油时需要考虑个人的皮肤类型。Consider your skin type when choosing a sunscreen.

仔细地涂抹在皮肤上,并彻底擦匀。Coat your skin well and rub sunscreen in thoroughly.

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一个太阳油能在润肤乳液的顶端上被应用。A sunscreen can be applied on top of the moisturizer.

因为我当时搽了防晒油,因此没有晒伤。I didn't get sunburned since I was wearing sunscreen.

或者怀疑压根就不该使用防晒霜?Or wondering whether you should use sunscreen at all?