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有时我们热烈地讨论这些问题。Sometimes we heatedly discussed these problems.

我们就这场战争的正义性激烈地争了起来。We tangled heatedly over the justice of the war.

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大家听到这个消息,乱哄哄地议论起来。The news set them arguing heatedly among themselves.

她怒冲冲地冲进房间去质问丈夫的情人。She heatedly stormed into the room to confront her husband's lover.

在会上我们热烈讨论了李先生提出的建议。At the meeting, we heatedly discussed the proposal put forward by Mr. Lee.

在芝加哥,关于流离失所的居民的争论正在白热化。No city is debating the displacement of residents more heatedly than Chicago.

劳伦斯的小说因性描写而倍受争议。Lawrence's fictions have been heatedly debated because of the sex description.

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我们常常彻夜不眠,一边喝酒,一边热烈地谈论政治。We used to stay up all night, drinking wine and arguing heatedly about politics.

最近章子怡的“捐款门”事件在网上炒得沸沸扬扬,一发不可收拾。These days the Donation Affairs about Zhang Ziyi has been heatedly debated online.

妇女参政权是社会各界关注的热点问题之一。Womens political rights are one of the heatedly discussed issues in various related fields.

猴子们心想自己受了虐待,于是大吼大叫,激烈地争吵起来。All the monkeys, thinking they were ill-treated, roared with anger and disputed it heatedly.

我们最好的科学家正争论着这两种事实,和其它科学家的问题。Our best scientists are heatedly debating both sides of these and other scientific questions.

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评论家激烈地拒绝了这样的看法,即有意义的思想不能从恶劣的思想中提炼。Commentators heatedly rejected the notion that significant ideas could not be distilled from vile ones.

在当今全球化的语境中,世界各民族的传统文化之间的碰撞日趋激烈。In the present context of globalization, traditional cultures of the nations in the world collide heatedly.

它已经被暂时激烈讨论的一个热门话题,事实上媒体如何影响我们的青少年。It has been a hot topic discussed heatedly for the time being that how indeed the media influence our teens.

中国的海岸线争论设计几个国家,最为激烈的是日本、越南和菲律宾。China disputes its sea borders with several countries, most heatedly with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

那些直接暴露在无形辐射下的居民健康受到了多少影响?这是车诺比丢给后世最具争议的问题。And the effect on the health of the people exposed to its invisible poisons? That is the most heatedly debated legacy of Chernobyl.

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两年前,银行家和政策制定者还在激烈争论,世界上最重要的金融中心是纽约还是伦敦。T wo years ago, bankers and policymakers were arguing heatedly over whether New York or London was the world's premier financial centre.

农业多功能性问题是WTO的新一轮农业多边谈判的重要内容,也是许多成员方争论的热点问题。The multi-functionality is one of the most important issues heatedly discussed by the memberships of WTO in the newly agriculture multi-trade negotiation.

煤可成为气源岩的观点已广为人们所接受,但就煤能否成为有效的油潭岩一直存在激烈争议。It has been widely accepted that coals can act as effective gasso-urce rocks, but it is heatedly debated whether coals can become effective oi-source rocks.