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交纳贡礼或顽强抵抗。Pay tribute or fight.

拿一个上税的钱给我看。Shew me the tribute money.

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谨以挚诚的心向沈殿霞女士致意!Tribute is sincerely paid to Ms.

向大师致敬!A Tribute to Zinédine Yazid Zidane!

恳求过往行人献出一声叹息。Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.

给卡门进贡为红色上尉。Give Carmen the tribute for captain Red.

我提议,大家起立,为死难的烈士们默哀!Let us stand in silent tribute to the martyrs!

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香港方面打算以其他方式向这位明星致敬。Hong Kong intends to pay tribute in other ways.

存在于古英国和中世纪英国的贡金或租金。Tribute or rent in ancient and medieval England.

划着贡多拉畅游一下如何?How delimits the tribute to pull has a good swim?

你可以称它为拼贴、接近或致敬。Call it a collage, an approximation, or a tribute.

国防愿出万金,进贡不给一分。Millions for defense. But not one cent for tribute.

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这要归功于我们经济发展组。This is a tribute to our economic development team.

土匪向过往车辆勒索钱财。The brigands demanded tribute from passing vehicles.

我们要向所有培养孩子的老师致敬。We should tribute to all teachers of young children.

嫉妒是平庸之辈向成就卓越者的赞颂。Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to achievers.

我们向他们致以认可与最深的敬意。Our recognition and deepest tribute goes out to them.

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被征服者只得向征服者称臣纳贡。The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.

华夏儿女向祖国母亲致意!The sons and daughters pay tribute to the motherland!

它也许是种族合作的一大献礼。It is perhaps a fitting tribute to racial co-operation.