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图形应尽可能以文字表达。Graphics should be described textually as far as possible.

数据库的分歧将显示图形和文本。Database differences will be shown graphically and textually.

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本文对王翰的身世与诗歌作了考证与分析。This article textually researched his experience and analyzed his poems.

本文考证了这一观念的历史的存在及其形成的原因与发展过程。The author criticises textually the historical existence and the cause of the idea.

网络可视为一巨大的可写文本,网络新闻正逐渐可写文本化。The net can be seen as a huge writable text, and internet news is gradually becoming textually writable.

对文本存储的信息的解释人人不同,误解是普遍存在的。Interpretation of textually stored information varies from person to person, and misunderstandings are common.

人类大脑处理图像资讯的效能,其实优于处理文字资讯。The human brain is actually better at processing information when it is presented visually rather than textually.

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应该制订业务术语表,以文字的方式描述“供应商”和“项”之类的业务概念。A business glossary should be developed that textually describes business concepts like "vendor" and "item" and so forth.

由于编译器是对符号进行操作的,因此我们可以采用文本或图形化的形式来表示符号。Because compilers operate on symbols, you can express symbols textually or graphically. Reasons for text expressions include

在直接与业务用户一起工作时,这种方法极为有用,因为它能以可视化的方式呈现规则,而非文本。This approach is useful when working directly with business users, as it presents the rules visually, rather than textually.

下面让我们来看一个分别使用图形化和文本化呈现的程序,并介绍它们之间到底有哪些相似性和区别。Let's begin by examining a program represented both textually and graphically and see what the similarities and differences are.

作者对该书的出版年代进行了考证,并对其在中国索引史上的地位进行了评价。This paper tries to textually research the publishing times of the book and evaluate its historical status in history of index in china.

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不管使用某种领域特有的语言编写的程序是通过文本形式输入的,还是通过图形化方式输入的,对于计算机来说,程序员都提供了相同数量的信息。Whether a program in a domain-specific language is entered textually or graphically, the same amount of information flows from the programmer to the computer.

县级行政建置与辖境大小的历史演变是沿革地理学研究的重点和难点之一。In the case of Jinyang county, this paper analyzed and textually researched its historical administrative changes, especially the variance of its around border.

最后考证了明别集类存目两卷中有参考价值的讹误20多条,附录于后。Finally textually researched the "Cun Mu"of the Ming Dynasty collected works 2 volume to have the reference value the error more than 20 strip, the appendix in after.

兹根据相关材料,勾勒黄媛介的生平经历,考述她与祁氏家族女性文学群体的相识缘起及交游情况。According to the correlation material, the thesis textually researches Huang Yuanjie's life story and her association with the Qi family feminine literature community.

典型地,它应该被一组用例和其它文本表现的、能有意义地为用户进行演示的实体所捕获。Typically, it should be captured by a set of use cases and other textually represented objectives that can be meaningfully demonstrated to a user. Here is an abstract description

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文章对茶卡地区新发现的吐谷浑王陵的族属、陵墓主人的身份等做了考证,并就王陵文物保护工作提出了具体的建议。This article textually researches the recent discovery Tuyuhun mausoleum race to be and mausoleum master's status, and put forward the concrete proposals on mausoleum cultural relic.