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我们仍得小本经营。We were living on a shoestring.

我们仍得小本经营。We still had to operate on a shoestring.

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你对夫妇小本经营了个饭店。This couple ran a restaurant on a shoestring.

你可以创造一个营销活动在有限的经费。You can create a marketing campaign on a shoestring budget.

我要求我的羽毛球对手等一下,以便我系鞋带。I want to hold up to my badminton opponet in order to tie my shoestring.

如果你在有限的经费下,开始计划,并开始缓慢在家工作。If you plan to start on a shoestring budget, start slow and work from home.

创办网络的好处在于你可以白手起家。The beauty of starting a Web business is that you can do it on a shoestring.

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这部电影是在预算紧缩的情况下由苏格兰导演琳恩.拉姆塞拍摄的。The movie was made on a shoestring budget by Scottish director Lynne Ramsay.

我过着衣单食薄的生活,我的预算非常少,几乎没钱买衣服。I live on a shoestring . I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes.

希尔福斯指出,在成立14年后,XCOR公司已经“超越了小本经营的范畴。After 14 years in business, notes Searfoss, XCOR has "moved beyond the shoestring operation."

天籁以小资本额创业,因为创办人当初没办法为这个风险高的事业找到投资人。EarthSound started on a shoestring because the founders couldn't find any investors for such a risky venture.

和他的大多数同学一样,斯科特试着花极少的钱,并打些零工支付基本费用。Like most of his classmates, Scott tries to get by on a shoestring and manages to earn enough in odd jobs to pay some expenses.

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并且,20岁左右的穷游族和有“一定年纪”而且住在漂亮酒店的游客是有区别的。Too, there’s a difference between 20-somethings living on a shoestring and tourists “of a certain age” who stay in fine hotels.

这家银行坐落在位于该州克林顿市与华沙市之间的密苏�7号公路旁一个就叫做吝啬鬼的小镇上,它是在22年前以小额资本开始自己的经营之路的。The Tightwad Bank opened on a shoestring 22 years ago in the small community along Missouri 7 halfway between Clinton and Warsaw.

美国一名理科生投入小成本向太空发射了一个气球,拍摄到地球表面图像。An American science student has captured images of the curvature of the Earth after sending a balloon into space on a shoestring budget.

选择做“麻豆”的多数是大学生或白领,而她们的雇主则主要是小本经营的网络服装店老板。The models are mostly college students or white-collar workers whose employers are small online clothing stores operating on a shoestring budget.

实际上,戈贝尔先生的故事给年轻创业者的启示是“没人会给你钱”和“凭借小额预算创业”,会员中的许多人也都是这么做的。In fact, Mr. Gerber’s message to young entrepreneurs is “No one will give you money” and “Start on a shoestring budget, ” something many of them did.

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微薄的活动资金由脱北者和韩国、日本的活动家提供,这些团体冒险从事新闻和宣传工作。Run on shoestring budgets by North Korean defectors and South Korean and Japanese activists, these groups walk a line between journalism and advocacy.

选择做“麻豆”的多数是大学生或白领,而她们的雇主则主要是小本经营的网络服装店老板。The models are mostly college students or white-collar workers, whose employers are mainly small online clothing stores operating on a shoestring budget.

并且,20岁左右的穷游族和有“一定年纪”而且住在漂亮酒店的游客是有区别的。now we could spend a week.Too, there's a difference between 20-somethings living on a shoestring and tourists “of a certain age” who stay in fine hotels.