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批评家,是教人跑步的无腿的人。A critic is a legless man who teaches running.

那无腿军人于是被带出来,和其馀二十九人一起上绞刑台。The legless man was carried out and hanged with the others.

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但是,哪种具有四肢的近亲及其特征导致了向无四肢的蛇的进化呢?But which four-legged relatives and their family traits led the transition for legless snakes?

在第一季的第一集中,当准备对一个无腿的丧尸扣动扳机时,他说了句“对不起”。In the first episode of Season One, when he has to pull the trigger on a legless zombie, he says "I'm sorry".

过去十年间,全球范围i内已发现200多种无脚蜥蜴和大约50种爬行类动物。The animal joins more than 200 legless lizard species and about 50 other new reptiles discovered worldwide in the past decade

蛇被认为i是由无脚蜥蜴进化而来。Snakes are thought to have evolved after legless lizards, which differ from snakes by retaining some lizard traits, such as external ears.

这种无视力,无脚的蜥蜴可能源于美洲,但其在五千五百万年前跨越白令海峡到达亚洲。The blind variety of legless lizard likely originated in the Americas, but some 55 million years ago they slithered across the Bering Strait and into Asia.

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他想起她像是某种肥大、无色、无腿的虫,从地底下的洞穴爬出来,极希望吃东西,或有人来给他东西吃。He thought that she was like some fat, colorless, legless thing that had come up from a hole in the ground, hungrily hoping for something, or someone, to eat.

地面被蹂躏得千疮百孔,弹坑遍布,四处散落着缺胳膊少腿的因维机甲以及气垫坦克、变形战机、生化机器人和无机兽的碎片。The terrain was ravaged beyond belief-pockmarked, holed, cratered, littered with legless or pincerless Invid mecha, bits of Hovertank and Veritech, Bioroid and Inorganic.

现在他们的办法是把去除了头,翅膀和大腿的鸡给鳄鱼喂食,这样那些大的好斗的鳄鱼不会吃太多而那些小的鳄鱼也能吃抱,保持健康。The tricky part is throwing the headless, wingless, legless chickens so the larger, more aggressive crocodiles do not eat too many and the smaller ones get enough to eat to stay healthy.

那个无腿无臂的女人在水池面上飘浮着,健康女人的倒影和她的同伴都浸没在水中,渲染成没有手脚的样子,并且面向观众。The armless and legless woman floating on the surface of the pool, whether the reflection of the nondisabled woman or her twin rendered limbless by immersion in water, faces the beholder.