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一个大的战略上的侧翼包围…A vast, strategic maneuver to outflank.

适当的公平准确的说是为包庇这些权利扩大化而设计出来的。Proper justice is designed precisely to outflank such escalation.

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如果你的侧翼迂回进行的很顺利,是因为敌人正期待着你从侧翼接近他们。If your flank march is going well, the enemy expects you to outflank him.

如果你的侧翼迂回进行的很顺利,是因为敌人正期待着你从侧翼接近他们。If your flank march is working well, the enemy expects you to outflank him.

如果我们能降低价格,提供优质服务就可胜过对手一筹。We can outflank our opponent by lowering the price and providing better service.

他似乎想包围波斯军的侧翼,大流士派骑兵在他的左侧迎战。He appears to be trying to outflank the Persians. To meet the advance, Darius sends his cavalry to his left.

作为一家投资银行,野村力图打消投资者对欧债危机担忧。Nomura is the latest investment firm to try to outflank investors' worries tied to the mushrooming European crisis.

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其结果就是,欧洲各国政府正在采取严厉措施以防范他们的投机行为。As a consequence, governments across Europe are adopting austerity measures to outflank the positions of these speculators.

为了获得表扬,逃避惩罚,幼儿逐渐学会了自制和忍受、迎合与伪装、迂回与讨价还价。In order to get accomplishment and to avoid punishment children learn self-control, tolerance, disguise, outflank and palter.

凭借精准的枪法和协调的团队策略,他们成功包抄困在圣殿里的绝地,无情地将他们击毙。Their crack marksmanship and coordinated team maneuvers allowed them to outflank the Jedi trapped in the Temple, and mercilessly gun them down.

几个敌军从大门处包抄进来,几个敌军攀上了直梯,就要上到传输轨道,他已经进退无路了。Several of them outflank in from the gate, and some others climb up the staircase, just about to jump on the rails . He is at the end of the road.

美军军械署要求所造出来的快速攻击坦克在性能上一定要能与德国的坦克相抗衡,而且要足够的快从而打败对手。The Ordinance Corps put out a demand for afast-attack tank to be able to compete with the German tanks, and be fastenough to outmaneuver and outflank the opponent.

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作为一个迹象是多麽蓝领地区一样默撒的转向,先生克里茨有时似乎是试图包抄伯恩斯先生,一个地方的商人,在右边。As a sign of just how much blue-collar districts like Mr. Murtha's are shifting, Mr. Critz sometimes appears to be trying to outflank Mr. Burns, a local businessman, on the right.