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他所作的证据是可疑的。The testimony given by him is dubious.

证词与报告吻合。The testimony tallies with the report.

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同时,我们有约瑟芬·韦斯特太太作证。Meanwhile, we have the testimony of Mrs.

这是一个有关于美好人生的表白.That is a testimony to a life well-lived.

他们的证词铺平了纽伦堡审判之路。Their testimony paved the way to Nuremberg.

他的控告是根据我的证词提出的。His incrimination was based on my testimony.

他们就这样作见证,也是各不相合。Yet even then their testimony did not agree.

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但我有比约翰更大的见证。I have testimony weightier than that of John.

证人推翻了她原来的证词。The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.

那个证人歪曲了他的证词。The witness stands unsworn unsworn testimony.

很难过在这儿读到你的文章。Very sad to read your testimony here, Masuma.

詹姆斯•默多克表示他坚持自己的证词。James Murdoch has said he stands by his testimony.

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目击证人能够证实所有的证词。The eyewitness can substantiate all the testimony.

笔供与已知的事实相合乎。The testimony was consistent with the known facts.

证人们的证词证明了被告的无辜。The testimony of witnesses vindicated the defendant.

他们的作证和盘问是平淡无事的。Their testimony and cross-examination were uneventful.

斯塔尔的证词中有三处令人吃惊。Three surprising things came out of Starr’s testimony.

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他的恳求并没有使见证人改变证词。His adjuration did not change the witnesses' testimony.

几名目击者的证词证明他无罪。He was exculpated by the testimony of several witnesses.

之后辩护律师并没有针对布朗特的证词提出质疑。Defense lawyers did not question Blount on his testimony.