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空气中弥漫着大麻烟的味道。The air smelled distinctively like marijuana.

且以水平分带尤为明显。The horizontal zoning is distinctively obvious.

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这些都是很明显的紧急措施。These were the distinctively emergency measures.

该版本,真可谓上帝的声音。And in the KJV, it's distinctively the voice of God.

内河航道落后面貌得到了明显改善。Backward inland waterways have been improved distinctively.

这套紫砂茶杯具有中国特色。This set of brown earth pottery teacup is distinctively chinese.

这种动物用一种非常坚韧,并带有金色光泽的丝线编织蛛网。These creatures make webs from a very tough and distinctively golden silk.

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沙尘形成许多超凡的地理景观,例如多孔隙的地面。Dust produces otherworldly landscapes, such as distinctively pitted terrain.

Woma是一种能够在干旱环境生存的有着鲜明记号的蛇。The Woma is a distinctively marked snake and one that thrives in a desert environment.

冬季野生动物图片。国王企鹅的脚蹼是特殊宽大的,帮助它们深潜在冰洋。King penguins' flippers are distinctively large, helping them dive deep in the icy ocean.

马克思的劳动价值论和剩余价值理论具有明显的时代特征。The theories of labor value and surplus value are distinctively characteristic of their times.

产生异性恋的男性和女性需要不同的激素做鸡尾酒。To produce heterosexuals, distinctively different hormonal cocktails are needed for men and women.

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这个古老国家似乎正寻求建立一套中国式的当代国际体系。For years they have struggled to develop a distinctively Chinese theory of international relations.

结果创面弥合时间明显缩短,与未用胰岛素泵病人的住院时间有显著差异。Results The time in the in-deprtment ws shorter distinctively thn tht of without using insulin-pump.

一二八战火点燃后,这种倾向更鲜明地表露出来。After Japan enkindled flames of war on January 28th in Shanghai, this inclination was shown more distinctively.

你的身份是有自己丈夫的工作决定的,但是你一直保持自己独特的人格。Your position is defined specifically by your husband's job, but you've remained distinctively your own person.

他们当中,身着深蓝色工作服、英姿飒爽的女性倩影无疑构成了一道独特的风景线。Among them all those striking young women in deep-blue uniforms undoubtedly made a distinctively beautiful scene.

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手工雕刻柚木家具、甘蔗和朗姆酒的小枝床头板,筒板创建一个独特的空间。Hand carved teak furniture, sugarcane twig headboards, and rum barrel panels create a distinctively unique space.

可以看看外面的风景,看看报纸,还可以从板报上获得铁路交通知识。Can look at the scenery outside, look at the newspapers, can also gain from the distinctively rail traffic knowledge.

三个风格迥异的主题广场通过大型飞天梯,与商业街区和生态露台相连。Three distinctively themed plazas are well connected with the street and green terraces by a grand express escalator.