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我们记下车牌号,查访到23名以上的女性,并对她们进行了警告。We took down numberplates and tracked down more than 23 women to warn them.

有必要对工厂进行追踪查访,以确保纠正措施的落实。Follow-up factory visits are necessary to ensure corrective actions are taken.

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如果Schultz想了解一些客户的情况,他会亲自去各个店面查访。If Schultz wanted to learn something about his customers, he would visit a store.

邮递员一家一家地查访,想找到收信人。The postman is making the rounds of houses to find out to whom the letter belongs.

警察穿着便衣到村民中查访,看看是否有蛛丝马迹。The policeman went among the villagers in disguise and saw if there were straws in the wind.

最近有一位校长查访了一间满寝的宿舍,并询问他们是否乘坐商务客舱飞到英国。One headmaster recently asked a room full of pupils whether they flew business class to Britain.

有时候,这种焦渴,简直就像对失落的故乡的寻找,对离散的亲人的查访。Sometimes, this dealing is just as same as seeking a lost native land and the scattered kinfolks.

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我尽享独木舟的宁静和轻便,它伴着我度过了很多快乐时光,我乘着它查访了这里的所有弯弯道道。I relished the quiet effortlessness of the canoe and spent happy hours exploring every cove and passage.

有时一部书要配补几十页甚至上百页,这往往要查访多家图书馆才能配到。I would spend hours going through hundreds and hundreds of pages of reading with no clue what to write on.

有时候,这种焦渴,简直就像对失落的故乡的寻找,对离散的亲人的查访。Sometimes, this parched, it is like to search for the lost homeland, separated from their loved ones to visit.

该表格亦以文件形式表述了依照一次监察查访的结论,工厂的管理部门已同意的纠错措施。It also documents the corrective actions agreed upon with factory management at the conclusion of a monitoring visit.

警察说当时他们在查访“有人利用机场洗手间进行性活动”的投诉,派一位便衣警察占用了一扇分厕间做“蹲”点。The police say they were investigating complaints that men were having sex with each other in the airport lavatories.

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Manpower的美国调查系根据查访约3.2万名雇主,最早可追溯至1962年,被视为就业趋势的领先指标.Manpower's U.S. survey, based on interviews with about 32,000 employers, dates back to 1962 and is considered a leading indicator of labor trends.

我还了解,英国伦敦城市行业协会的代表有权在教学、培训和考试期间到注册中心查访。I also understand that a representative of City & Guilds International has the right to visit the centre during tuition, training and examination times.

在刘找到后的两个月,当地政府查访了很多该地区的砖厂,要求砖厂出具工人的名字和来处。In the two months since Liu was found wandering, local authorities have visited many brick factories in the area, requesting lists of workers' names and where they've come from.

进行这种查访目的在于必要时加强保护这类人使其免受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。These visits shall be undertaken with a view to strengthening, if necessary, the protection of these persons against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

自初次查访鉴定为违章之后的7到90天时间,公司遵章和人权管理部或任何其他代表有权对任何地方进行追踪查访。The Corporate Compliance &Human Rights Group or any other JAG representative will authorize follow-up visits anywhere from 7 to 90 days after an initial visit has identified noncompliance.