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我们还可以再晤面吗?。Could I see you again?

有朝一日偺们会再晤面的。May we meet again someday.

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明天我要和汤姆晤面。I'll be seeing Tom tomorrow.

我们什么时候再晤面?。When shall we be meeting again?

我但愿我们不久会再晤面。I hope that we will be meeting again soon.

咱们上一次晤面是在三年前。It is four years since I became a student.

他没有告诉我啥子时辰我们能再晤面。He didn't tell me when we should meet again.

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咱们计划在校门口晤面。We're going to meet outside the school gate.

咱们明天上午十点半晤面吧。Let's meet at half past ten tomorrow morning.

我们就在河道汇合处的那座桥边晤面吧。Let's meet by that bridge where the rivers marry.

今日一大早,咱们相约在车站晤面。Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning.

飘红约庆图晤面,要挟他协助弟弟解困。Wave red about WuMian kei figure, coerce him assist brother siege.

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明天下战书怎么样?咱们在丽晶酒店晤面的,五点钟。I have time tomorrow afternoon. Let's meet in Lijing restaurant at five, will you?

今天,罗拉德布里斯计划与参议院领袖亨利瑞德晤面。Roland Burris is scheduled to meet with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid today.

下月我将赴法国一游,指望能与您晤面。I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

葵花不忍三水被捕,助三水逃生,更约他于晚上晤面。Sunflower arrested, help sanshui pat sanshui more about his escape WuMian in night.

乔蒂却提示妈妈不要遗忘威尔和拉娜晤面的工作,他们仍想在一同。But jyoti hint mother don't forget will and Lana WuMian work, they still want to together.

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明智的是,他们决意在相互晤面之前对婚姻不做任何承诺。Wisely, they decided not to make any commitment to marriage until they had met face-to-face.

所写的诗总要多看几遍才定稿,往往还给每周例常晤面的马海德大夫和米勒大夫两位挚友看,征求意见。He would read his new poems several times before completion, and often consult the opinions of his sincere friends Dr.

在您相识商品然后,咱们能否有时候机晤面并讨论商品步入美国的市场的可能性?After you study them , would I have an opportunity to meet you and discuss various possibilities in the American market?