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行李房在哪里?B.Where's the baggage room?

行李房在哪里?Where is the baggage claim?

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您可把皮箱送到行李房去。You may take it to the luggage room.

你得到行李房去办理。You have to go to the luggage office.

阅读与行李房有关的所有通知。Reads all memos concerning Bell Service.

把你的行李拿到行李房去。Take your baggage to the baggage section.

我会马上与行李房取得联系。I'll get in touch with the Bell Captain at once.

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我想托运行李,行李房在哪儿?。I want to have my luggage checked, where is the luggage room?

别着急,先生。我会马上与行李房取得联系。Don't worry, sir. I'll get in touch with the Bell Captain at once.

饭店备有轮椅车和拐杖,如需使用请与行李房联系。We also offer wheelchair and walking stick. Please contact the Luggage Room if you need.

检查行李房和礼宾部柜台是否干净整洁。Check the cleanliness and tidiness of luggage storage room and concierge service counter.

检查礼宾部行李房,再次确认行李数量依照行李寄存控制表。Check the luggage storage room, reconfirm luggage amount according to storage control sheet.

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管理和维护行李房,确保所有的行李安全存放在合适的位置。Maintains and controls the use of the luggage room, ensuring that luggage is properly stored.

保持行李房所有行李车及设施的干净,以保持专业的形象。Maintains and cleans all trolley and equipment at Bell Service to maintain a professional image.

行李房领班负责大厅服务部的工作,有时亦称作“礼宾部”。Bell captains direct the service department, or the "uniformed services, " as it is sometimes called.

当沃克先生把行李房进行李箱,他站在大巴前的人行道上。Walker finishes putting the baggage into the compartment, he stands on the sidewalk in front of the bus.

行李房满满地堆着箱子辅盖,各色各样,几乎碰到铅皮的屋顶。The baggage room was filled with an assortment of bags and cases piled so high that they nearly touched the ceiling.

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租车服务台很容易就能找到,在大厅里紧邻行李房的地方。The Car Hire desks can be found, conveniently located, within the main Arrivals hall adjacent to the domestic baggage area.

其他人则认为应该由总经理甚至或是行李房来负责发展和执行社会媒体策略。Others believe the general manager or even the concierge should be responsible for developing and executing social media strategies.

未来的软件更新也许包括了手机退房功能、虚拟的酒店行李房信息以及模拟的客人到达前通知邮件的页面。Future software updates may include mobile checkout functionality, virtual concierge information and possibly a page that mimics the brand´s pre-arrival e-mails.