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佟佳氏的势力地位由此可见一斑。Tong Jia Shi status of forces is obvious.

教皇制度的庐山真面目,于此可见一斑。Here is displayed the true spirit of popery.

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米米很爱小动物,从这吃鱼头也可见一斑。Mia loves little creatures, this also proves it.

伊斯兰文明,由此又可见一斑。Mohammedan civilization, see one spot again from this.

但如今它们在中国已经拥有数百万用户,火爆程度可见一斑。But now they are extremely popular in China with millions of users.

显然中国在其中扮演了重要角色.这从数据上就可见一斑.但除了这方面影响外,如果考虑到外溢效应,作用甚至会更大.Clearly it made a significant contribution. It's there in the numbers.

这种转变在研究生院的招生中也可见一斑。The shift in attitudes is also apparent in graduate school enrollment.

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即使这麽长的清单也没有列全,其雄心可见一斑。Even this lengthy list is not exhaustive. The ambition is clearly remarkable.

其实这些想法从豪华车少之又少是电动的例子便可见一斑了。But less opulent examples of luxury cars going electric were also in evidence.

朱骏在九城的统治风格与话语权,可见一斑。Zhu Jun counterpoises in the regnant style of 9 cities and speech, see one spot.

德彪西的音乐表现在福莱和拉威尔庄严的孔雀舞曲当中也可见一斑。Debussy 's musical presence can be felt in the Stately pavanes of Fauré and Ravel.

它的结构非常结实,从它没有A字型的支撑架就可见一斑。It had very strong structural integrity as you can see from the lack of A pillars.

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良好的两岸关系,对于马英九和国民党的重要,可见一斑。It is thus clear how important good cross-strait relations are to Mr Ma and the KMT.

未来之事在后六行中可见一斑,在最后的六行。Those future events are glimpsed in the sestet of this poem, in the final six lines.

中国人的思考模式,从中国的画论家的观点中可见一斑。Typical of Chinese thinking were the views expressed by the Chinese critics themselves.

理解沉默的意义对人类交往的重要性由此可见一斑。This famous quote manifests the importance of understanding silence in human intercourses.

柏林的开明、尊重、包容的气氛可见一斑。This little fact alone illustrates the atmosphere in Berlin -- open, receptive, absorbing.

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如果连任,奥巴马可能是历届总统中最惨的“跛脚鸭”,这从他的第一任期履历可见一斑。Mr Obama's first-term record suggests that, if re-elected, he could be the lamest of ducks.

当前PTA的景气度也从聚酯企业的拿货稳定可见一斑。For the current boom of PTA is also from the domestic stability of polyester enterprise can be seen.

Rajesh是一个大学毕业生,他最近已经完成了他的雅思考试,从他的话里,我们就可见一斑A fact that is evident from the words of Rajesh, a graduate who has recently completed his IELTS exam