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中层阶级很少,and there's a huge lack of middle class,

她开除了那名身为中层设计师的雇员。She fired the employee, a midlevel designer.

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现在中层有一个出租单位。The mid-level has one vacant unit for lease.

现在中层有一个出租房子的。The mid-level has one vacant unit for lease.

如今在中国中层阶级正在发展。A middle class is only now developing in China.

2011年的中层阶级和1973年的富翁,你更愿意当哪种?Would You Rather Be Middle Class in 2011 or Rich in 1973?

在这两者之间是中层管理者,是兼具两种职能的基因。In between are the middle managers, which do a bit of both.

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这类工作包含广大的中层阶级人士。These jobs represent the beating heart of the middle class.

中层放显示器,上层可以放置音箱。Middle-level puts monitor, superstratum can place sound box.

星期一早上,杰克主持召开了中层干部会议。Monday morning Jack presides over the meeting of management.

医院中层干部是医院各项事业发展的骨干力量。Middle-lever cadre is the main power of hospital development.

巴西籍工程师的中层管理员也必须批准。The middle manager of the Brazilian engineers must also approve.

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中层人士流行居住在全部为穆斯林的居住区。There is a vogue for “Muslim only” middle-class housing estates.

很多首次成为中层管理者的经理人并不一定管理着一大群人。Most first-time managers do not supervise alarge group of people.

其巢的空间生态位是芦苇层次中的中层。This bird inhabits in the middle space niche of reed communities.

双方都利用行政、中层管理和从业人员。Both draw upon executive, middle management, and practitioner staff.

他手下的全体中层管理人员也尽数出席了此次宴会。He was joined by all the members of his second-tier management team.

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烤箱底层放一个浅盘,面包放在中层烘焙。Put a shallow pan in the bottom rack. Place bread on the center rack.

气旋性环流和气旋性涡度在对流层中层的700毫巴附近最强。The strongest cyclonic circulation and vorticity are at about 700 mb.

可是,其中很多职位并不能吸引到中层或高层职业人士。However, many of these jobs won't address to mid- or high-level ables.