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工蚁正在清理刚出生的小蚂蚁。A worker is cleaning a new-born ant.

蚂蚁城里的所有垃圾由工蚁运出去。All rubbish in on ant city by the worker ants.

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目前还只发现工蚁和蚁后休眠越冬。So far, it is found that only workers and queens overwinter.

本文用程序进化器解决了人工蚁问题。Finally, the evolver is applied to the artificial ant problem.

工蚁蛹的过冷却点均显著低于其成虫和幼虫。Worker pupae had lower SCPs than worker adults and worker pupae.

由于这声音,工蚁能够饲养并保护蚁后。Because of the sounds, worker ants feed and protect the queen ant.

你知道吗?一个典型的蚂蚁领地仅仅是由母工蚁组成的。Did you know that a typical ant colony consists of female workers only?

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工蚁通常一厘米长,然而蚁后和兵蚁是工蚁的练呗大小。A working ant is 1 cm long while the queen and soldiers are twice as big.

新住所里的空间被工蚁检查完毕之后,兵蚁被邀请了进来。The space was then examined by working ants and after that a soldier was invited.

同时。工蚁一般只活一到五年,公蚁通常在交配完之后就会死去。Meanwhile, working female ants live from 1 to 5 years and males die soon after mating.

有的储存液体,脂肪和水,这些都是由工蚁从昆虫猎物摄取来的。Some store liquids, body fat, and water from insect prey brought to them by worker ants.

为什么一些工蚁只是依靠它们的挖掘能力,而其余工蚁会做所有的工作?Why do some worker ants lean on their shovels and let the rest of the workers do all the work?

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在蚂蚁间,如蚁后生蛋,而工蚁寻找食物包围蚁巢。Among ants, for example, queens lay the eggs, and workers search for food and protect the colony.

但在城市,他们形成超级大窝,有上千只蚁后和千万只工蚁。But in the city, they form massive supercolonies with thousands of queens and millions of workers.

这是些小的,次要的工蚁,蚁群里最苦最繁重的差事,都是她们在干。The minor workers, the little ones, are the workhorses that do most of the drudgery of the colony.

工蚁在阵雨前后的活动数量明显多于晴天,但处于降雨时刻的巢外工蚁数量极少。The outing activity of worker ants was greatly enhanced by showers in comparison with that in fine day.

本文探讨不同的表面对入侵红火蚁工蚁觅食效率的影响。The effects of different surfaces on the foraging efficiency of Solenopsis invicta workers were observed.

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由于红蚁没有自己的工蚁,它们把小黑蚁带回家,放在自己的窝中抚养。They take the babies home and bring them up in their own colony because they have no workers of their own.

它们几乎所有都是低级工蚁,各种各样的工蚁品种,兵蚁是相当罕见的。They're almost all minor workers. There are a variety of intermediate workers — the soldiers are rather rare.

例如,最大的工蚁经常充当校车,运送一群小个的蚂蚁上战场。So the largest ones, for example, often serve as school buses, moving bunches of small ones to the battlefield.