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你说你是一名铁人三项运动员。You said you're a triathlon player.

大家都叫王进喜“王铁人”。Everyone called Wang Jinxi 'Iron Wang'.

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把他誉为“农技铁人”。Put him as the "Agricultural Iron Man."

据说这名铁人三项选手想要跑马拉松。Word is the triathlete wants to run it.

我在2007年时参加了陶波湖铁人赛。I competed in the Taupo ironman in 2007.

鲍勃,你知道铁人王进喜吗?Bob, do you know the Iron Man, Wang Jinxi?

功率高达鼠标大小的铁人服多少?Power up your mouse -sized Iron Man suit much?

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所以,像越野铁人三项,你骑山地自行车so like off-road triathlons where you mountain bike

铁人王进喜的铜像就伫立在我们的校园里。Bronze statue of Iron Man Wang Jinxi to stand on our campus.

他就是全国闻名的身残志坚的农村科技铁人姜德明。He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man.

好,我想每个人都认为铁人是密丰的。Well, I think the Ironman everybody thinks is kind of crazy.

夏威夷邀请最合适的选手参赛,以保存其铁人三项赛。Hawaii challenges the fittest to survive its Ironman triathlon.

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我今年的目标是完成一次奥运会距离的铁人三项。My goal this year is to complete an Olympic-distance triathlon.

在我的第一次半程铁人赛中,有两个瞬间值得记住。There are two moments that stand out about my first Half Ironman.

铁人三项的步伐对于他或她的跑步成绩至关重要。A triathlete's stride is critical to his or her running performance.

铁人三项很困难,因为选手要进行连续的项目。Triathlons are hard because you have to perform back-to-back events.

神户在去年也不落人后的盖了一座与动画中等比大的「铁人28」。Tetsujin 28 was also built in Kobe according to the size in the anime.

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自己也曾多次尝试铁人三项与攀登玉山。He has personally participated in various triathlons and climbed Yushan.

而且我还喜欢冒险风格、冒险比赛或者铁人三项。And I also love to do like adventure style, adventure races or triathlons

本人愿意代表参与毅腾三项铁人会2010年度之赛事。I agree to represent Titan Triathlon to participate the race during 2010.