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2008年举行既立法会地区直接选举,你会唔会去投票?Will you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2008?

新的立法会议席中半数将直接选举产生。Half of the new legislative seats would be directly elected.

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不赞成这种制度的人士认为直接选举更简单明了。Critics of this system argue for the simplicity of direct election.

国家首脑是联邦总统,他是由直接选举产生的。The head of state is the Federal President, who is directly elected.

省议会也是每四年直接选举产生的。The provincial parliaments are directly elected every four years as well.

UML因为只获得了31个直接选举席位,誓言会退出下届政府。With only 31 directly elected seats, the UML vowed to quit the government.

目前我们在68万个村一级实行村民自治和直接选举。Self-governance and direct election are practiced in about 680,000 villages in China.

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总统经全民直接选举产生,任期七年,可连选连任。The head of state is the president, elected by direct suffrage for a term of seven years.

伦敦通过直接选举产生市长,另有一批当地官员和大伦敦自治市也是如此。London gained a directly elected mayor, as did a clutch of other local authorities and boroughs.

目前,我们在68万个村一级实行村民自治和直接选举。At the moment, we have introduced the practice of self-administration and direct elections in 680,000 villages.

直接选举和间接选举是选举制度中两种相伴产生的选举方式。Direct election and indirect election are two important ways in electoral system, which always accompany each other.

县乡人大代表是按选区直接选举产生的。Deputies to the people's congresses representing counties and townships are elected directly by their constituencies.

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10多年前,中国开始实行基层选举,六万四千个村民委员会由村民直接选举产生。Elections were introduced at rural level 10 years ago, and all of the 64, 000 village committees are directly elected.

刘亚伟讨论了在中国民主改革的大背景下步云镇在1998年和2001年进行的直接选举。Liu discusses the direct elections held in Buyun township in 1998 and 2001 in the context of China's democratic reforms.

根据2004年宪法,阿富汗由一位总统领导,任期五年,由民众直接选举产生。According to the 2004 constitution, Afghanistan is run by a president, who is elected by direct popular vote to a five-year term.

民主建设特别是直接选举,要根据国情循序渐进。Democracy and direct election in particular, should develop in an orderly way in keeping with the particular condition of a country.

在直接选举中,因危害国家安全或者其他严重刑事犯罪案被羁押。During direct elections, those who are under custody, being investigated, charged or tried because of endangering national security.

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完善的选择制度是宪政的重要标志,选票是选民行使选举权利的有效必备载体,无论是直接选举,还是间接选举都涉及到选票问题。Electorates should vote by writing the candidates name on the vote paper instead of choosing from any name that was written in advance.

UML则想要一个象征性的总统,一个直接选举的总理以及一个类似的权力下放,但只对民族色彩不那么浓厚的州而言。The UML wants a ceremonial president, a directly elected prime minister and a similar devolution, but to less ethnically -tinged states.

现在我们县级以上实行的是间接选举,县级和县以下的基层才是直接选举。At present, indirect elections are held for posts above the county level, and direct elections are held for those at the county level and below.