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拉丁文和希腊文作家的作品也被译介到现代语言中。Latin and Greek authors too were translated into modern languages.

第六章着重讨论巴金在法国的译介情况。Chapter Six mainly discusses the translation of Ba Jin's works in France.

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在所有译介中国经典的人物当中,理雅各是最具影响力的。Among all the translators, James Legge is undoubtedly the most influential character.

然而文化的可译性限度却影响着中华文化的译介。However, culture translatability limitation has influenced the translation of Chinese culture.

对雨果的全面系统译介最好地体现了曾朴的翻译标准。Translation of Hugo all-roundly and systematically could embody Zengpu's translation standard best.

而在很大程度上恰恰是“忠实”保证了异质性能够译介到目标语文化。And fidelity can, to most extent, guarantee the introduction of foreignness into the target culture.

曾朴译介雨果有着深刻的政治因素、文学因素和个人因素。There were many reasons that Zeng translated Hugo , such as political, literature and personal causes.

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为什么中文作品得不到更多的译介和——也许更重要的是——更为广泛的阅读呢?Why is more Chinese literature not being translated and – perhaps even more importantly – widely read?

茅盾对象征主义译介始于1919年,1920年最为集中,1923年收笔,并于1925年开始否定象征主义。Mao Dun's translation and commentary to symbolism began in 1919 , concentrated in 1920 and ended in 1923.

第一章详细爬梳了精神分析文论在新时期的译介传播情况。Chapter one combs in detail the translation and reception of psychoanalysis criticism in Chinese New Period.

如对谷崎在中国的第二次高潮,即二十世纪八九十年代至今谷崎的译介与研究作一番梳理与探讨。This article tries to probe into the interpretation and research of Tanizaki in China from 1980s to this day.

这是20世纪第一个20年外国文学译介中凸现的一种独特的文化现象。It was a particular cultural phenomenon in literary translating activities in the early 20years in 20th century.

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纵观阿特伍德在中国的接受史,主要表现在阿特伍德在中国的译介和研究两个方面。Throughout the history of the acceptance of Atwood in China, mainly in Atwood's translation and research aspects.

伴随着这两次高潮,三岛由纪夫的作品被广泛译介到中国,他的影响越来越大。Accompany with this twice high tide, most of his works were introduced to China, his influence is more and more deep today.

苏联文学理论和作品的大量译介,给它带来了正负两方面的影响。Soviet Union literary theory and a great quantity of translated works, brought about both positive and negative influences.

其中,对汪曾祺的创作影响最大的是卞之琳的译介文学。Among those, Bian Zhilin's translational literature had the greatest impact on the literary creation of Wang Zengqi's novel.

中国文献、媒体译介日本人名、地名等专名时,用的是形译法。In Chinese documents and media, the way to translate Japanese proper nouns into Chinese is often a pictographic translation.

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白居易的诗歌在英语世界中产生了重大影响,这与阿瑟·韦利对他诗歌的大力译介紧密相关。Bai Juyi's poems have made a notable impact on Englsih literature, and this is closely related to Arthur Waley's translations.

其中,又以俄苏文学成为其译介的首选,在外国文学的译介中所占比例最重。Russian literature was the first choice of its translation and introduction, taking a high proportion among these foreign literature.

50年代中后期起,我国加大了对亚非拉等社会主义国家的文学作品的译介。From the middle of the 1950s, we strengthened the translation of literary works from some Asian, African and Latin-American countries.