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这事为吉诺曼姑奶奶提供了进行第二个计谋的机会。This inspired Aunt Gillenormand with a second idea.

吉诺曼姑奶奶走到她的书桌边,开了抽屉。Aunt Gillenormand went to her writing-desk and opened it.

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私底下,格雷迪说,“听着,琳达,别跟姑奶奶开玩笑。In private, Gladys said, "listen, Linda, don't kid a kidder."

也没甚说的,不过是来瞧瞧姑太太,姑奶奶,也是亲戚们的情分。I just came to call on Her Ladyship and Madam Lian, seeing as how we're related.

关于这次拒绝,那位姑奶奶一点也没在他外祖父跟前提起,怕他听了更加冒火。His aunt did not inform his grandfather of this refusal for fear of exasperating him.

吉诺曼姑奶奶曾多次设法,把那六十个皮斯托尔送给他。Aunt Gillenormand made repeated attempts, and sent him the sixty pistoles several times.

姑奶奶拿着那张纸颠来倒去,仔细研究,继又把它放回匣子里。The aunt examined the paper, turned it about in all directions, then put it back in its case.

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我们好象曾提起过,忒阿杜勒是吉诺曼姑奶奶心疼的人,她疼他,是因为她瞧不见他。We think we have said that Theodule was the favorite of Aunt Gillenormand, who preferred him because she did not see him.

他躲在一根石柱后面,心惊胆战,唯恐那位姑奶奶回转头来,所以不动也不敢呼吸,眼睛盯着那孩子。There, trembling lest the aunt should turn round, concealed behind a pillar, motionless, not daring to breathe, he gazed at his child.

我的姑奶奶诺尼在我小的时候还在世了,但是她患有很多种的癌症,生命中的每时每刻都在遭受着病痛的折磨,苦不堪言。When I was small, my Great-Aunt Nony was still alive. Her life had been a terrible ordeal for her as she had been plagued with lots of different types of cancer.

还心意呢,之敏暗忖,被人追得满世界乱窜的两个小毛贼,居然敢偷到你姑奶奶的头上来。Return intention, it the quick dark Cun be make track for by the person full world disorderly flee of two small burglar, incredibly dare to steal the your Gu grandmother's head to come up.

镇上的人想起爱米丽的姑奶奶韦亚特老太太终于变成了十足疯子的事。都相信格里尔生一家人自视过高,不了解自己所处的地位。People in our town, remembering how old lady Wyatt, her great-aunt , had gone completely crazy at last, believed that the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really were.