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她的精神和悲天悯人至今仍留存于世。Her spirit and compassion live on today.

寒山是唐朝僧人,也是一个悲天悯人的诗人。Han Shan was a kind-hearted monk and also a poet.

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直到今天,这号悲天悯人地情调每每令我发指。Now this sort of sentimentality always makes me furious.

那是我的声音,却很明智、平静、悲天悯人。This was my voice, but perfectly wise, calm and compassionate.

只有贝思坚持不懈,极少躲懒或悲天悯人。Beth kept on, with only slight relapses into idleness or grieving.

第三章写女性悲天悯人的“地母”情怀。The third chapter is about the women's compassion of"Mother Earth".

除了证明奥巴马的演讲也可以悲天悯人,但什么才是真正具有政治涵义的东西。What, besides proving Obama's ability to empathise, will be the political impact?

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雨果以悲天悯人的姿态深刻剖析了这个人物阴暗扭曲的灵魂。With compassion stance Hugo deeply analyzed the soul of the character of dark distortion.

可悲天悯人的情怀却将我牢牢拉在地上,我的心回荡着悲伤的哭泣。But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.

现在发生的事对她再好也没有了,我能对着这样的好事哭哭啼啼,做出一副悲天悯人的样子吗?I can't pump up tears, to look graceful, over the most fortunate thing that ever happened to her.

从朱医生网站足见他悲天悯人的心怀,也折射出他高尚的医德和人格。Dr. Zhu evident from his compassionate heart site, also reflects his noble ethics and personality.

如果你对生活是态度是一种悲天悯人的阴郁情绪,我想说的是,你所看到的生活也是如此。If you outlook on life is doom and gloom then I am afraid to say this is how you will see life itself.

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亨利作品,还能更好地理解作家悲天悯人、低沉抑郁的人生情怀。Henrys works from the point of repetitive narration helps us to understand better his life thought of him.

而他写那些社会底层小人物系列的散文,则充满着一种悲天悯人的情怀。His other prose, the low-social-status-persons series, is filled with the state of bemoaning the universe.

从重复叙事角度研究欧。亨利作品,还能更好地理解作家悲天悯人、低沉抑郁的人生情怀。Henry's works from the point of repetitive narration helps us to understand better his life thought of him.

“唉!”船长用基督教徒般的悲天悯人的口吻回答说,“我们应该永远互相帮助。"Alas. " returned the captain with an accent of the most profound pity, "we ought always to help one another.

印度现代教育哲学家无不具有悲天悯人、无我利他、普度众生的“救世精神”。Most of the contemporary Indian educational philosophers have inherited the tradition of meditation and action.

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作为天主教徒的鲁奥拥有强烈的宗教情感,但他同样拥有悲天悯人的人文情怀。As a devout catholic, Rouault, is also a humanist with the intense compassion for the underprivileged in the world.

当生命赐予你一个高于你所有期待的梦想时,你没有理由在它结束之时悲天悯人。When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

他对传统文化和西方文化的精通,加之对宗教观念的主动接受形成了其悲天悯人的艺术特质。His accomplishment in traditional culture and western culture as well as his strong religious belief form his compassionate artistic features.