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我们的革命事业还需要一批党外的志士仁人。Our revolutionary cause needs a good number of non-party people with high ideals.

绍兴以其秀丽山川哺育了众多的志士仁人。The magnificent mountains and rivers of the city have brought up a big number of people with lofty ideals.

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在这悠悠五千余年岁月期间酝酿了不计其数的志士仁人。In these 5,000 long years, countless numbers of Chinese people have been nurtured with lofty and noble ideals.

自鸦片战争以来,多少志士仁人为了摆脱落后挨打的被动局面,上下求索,前仆后继。Ever since the Opium war, to rid the country of the situation of being beaten, countless people with lofty ideals sought constantly.

钱学森的一言一行,无疑地凝聚了中华民族之魂,显示了爱过对志士仁人的撼动力!Qian's words undoubtedly embodies the soul of the Chinese nation, showing the right people with lofty ideals loved to shake the power!

在中国近现代历史上,这种新乌托邦始终是众多志士仁人的理想,对中国社会产生了极为深远的影响。In modern Chinese history, people with lofty ideals continuously sought to build up this kind of new Utopia, which had extremely profound influence upon Chinese society.

我爱祖国不仅爱祖国悠久灿烂的历史文化,更爱爱国的志士仁人,英雄豪杰。I love the motherland is not only a brilliant long-standing love of the motherland's history and culture, but also love the people with lofty ideals of patriotism, heroes.

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君子人格更是中华传统文化的精华之一,为一代又一代的志士仁人所践行,并成为他们取之不尽,用之不竭的精神源泉。Character of gentleman is one of the creams of Chinese traditional culture, which was practiced by superior person from gene- ration to generation as boundless spiritual source.

在近代中国,为了挽救民族危亡,无数志士仁人付出了艰辛努力,乃至生命的代价,但结果都失败了。In modern times, striving to save the Chinese nation when its very existence was at stake, numerous people with lofty ideals worked arduously at considerable sacrifice but did not succeed.

这一估价或者离事实不远。由于有了这个明确标准,古往今来的志士仁人、英才俊彦就不约而同地攒足了劲为了实现不朽这一目标奋斗不息。Having clearly defined objectives, historically, many ambitious individuals from various walks of life coincidentally set off their lifelong endeavors in pursuit of this culture-laden immortality.