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女娲造人不就是男人跟女人吗?Nuva turned out man and woman.

女娲想要造很多人类。Lots of people wanted to make Nuwa.

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这位母亲是南诏的女娲。This mother is the Nuwa of Nanzhao.

山神与女娲是供奉的主要对象。Nuwa mountain and is the main target of worship.

后世人就把女娲奉为“神媒”。Nu regarded as the world put upon "God the media."

就是中国神话中修补天空的那个女娲呀?The Nuhuo who mended the sky in Chinese mythology?

看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我华夏女娲任务意味着什么。Look into my eyes – you will see what you mean to me.

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他们在女娲身旁欢呼雀跃了一阵,慢慢走散了。Nu Wa side cheering them for a while, slowly got separated.

原来女娲补天的故事就发生在这里。Oh, the story of Nuhuo mending the sky took place right here.

女娲座下灵狐族则被派遣下界守护神石。A fox family Nuwa was sent to lower the patron saint of stone.

女娲拣了许多五色的石子将它们融化。She put stones of various colors together and melted down them.

首先简要介绍了西华县及女娲城。First of all, the author introduced the Xihua County and Nv Wa city.

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这也表明了为何女娲会被认为是华夏民族之母。It also shows why Nuwa is known as the mother of the Chinese nation.

女娲想给世间增加生趣,使之更美。The almighty Goddess Nuwa wanted to add life and beauty to the world.

看着这一切,女娲很难过。她决心把天补好。Nu Wa felt sorrowful at all these happenings and decided to repair the sky.

女娲不但补天救世,还创造万物,神通广大。Nuwa not only to the day of salvation, but also in creation, work miracles.

那是自四极废,九州裂,女娲补天之后出现的难得的好日子。It was quadrupole since abolished-Kyushu, Nu Wa Sky after the rare good day.

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女娲迎上前去,伏羲将女娲揽在怀中,二人遂结为夫妻。Nuwa went up to Fuxi, who took her sister in his arms. Thus they got married.

传说女娲在此炼石补天、抟土造人,给世人留下了美好的形象。Nu Wa legend in the rock Lian Sky, Tuan home- made, to leave the world a good image.

其次是关于人类创生的女娲和伏羲神话。The second is about the Fuxi and Nuwa myth that narrates the creation of human being.