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我告诉彼得什么是角楼,它是用来做什么的。I told him what the turret was and what it was built for.

我们这座房子有个角楼,从房子里面进不去。Our house has this turret you can’t get into from inside.

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当角楼打开的时候,扔出手榴弹,一定要注意躲避射向你的子弹。Drop a grenade when a turret opens, but beware of bullets being fired at you.

角台上修有较敌楼更为高大的角楼,表明了这里在战争中的重要地位。This shows the strategic importance of the corners of the city wall in war times.

展览将于五月十五日星期六下午三点到五点在东便门角楼开幕至六月六日。The exhibition opens on May 15 at the Dongbianmen Watchtower and will run till June 6.

主楼与角楼是城内唯一的高层木结构建筑。Turret and the main building is the city's only high-level structure of wood construction.

银匠与商人在城的角楼,和羊门中间修造。And between the going up of the corner unto the sheep gate repaired the goldsmiths and the merchants.

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在北京紫禁城城墙的四角处,各建有一座造型奇特、风姿绰约的角楼。In Beijing the Forbidden City wall's four place, each has a peculiar modelling, charm gracefuls battlements.

梦幻般的角楼和巴罗克风格的山形墙让城堡那异想天开的浪漫魅力呼之欲出。The romantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exterior of turrets and gabled baroques.

支起破城机撞击你的城墙,用铁器击毁你的角楼。And he shall set engines of war and battering rams against thy walls, and shall destroy thy towers with his arms.

考古学家还发现了可能是作为建筑物顶部装饰用的中国风格的瓦片和角楼。Archaeologists have found Chinese-style tiles and turret decorations that probably adorned the roofs of buildings.

后来工匠们就根据这个蝈蝈笼建造了四个角楼,最后皇帝终于满意了。The craftsmen built the four watch towers according to the design of the cage and the emperor was finally satisfied.

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这个迷人的城堡有四个角楼和一个开满睡莲的心形湖泊,好得难以置信。This magical castle with four turrets and a heart-shaped lake filled with waterlilies is almost too good to be true.

传说最初建好的紫禁城没有角楼,只有又高又厚的城墙。Legend has it that when the Forbidden City was first built, there were no watch towers, only the high, thick red wall.

这个法兰西城堡有着板岩平铺而成的角楼和一个城状型塔,但是她的内部装修却是菲利普·史塔克风格的。This French castle may have slate-tiled turrets and a castellated tower but its interior is more like Philippe Starck.

夜晚北京雾蒙蒙,故宫角楼异常漂亮,透过清澈河水影像更漂亮。The fine mist night Beijing, Palace Museum turret abnormal beautiful, clear river water through a more beautiful images.

南墙出了大门的角楼与教堂有一段距离——至少相当于现在人行道的宽度。The south wall ran out from the turret of the gate to a distance ovelapping the Chapel by at least the width of the present pavement.

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它的体积巨大,高墙深院,四角都有炮角楼,远看像一座正方形的城池。It is very large with high walls and deep courtyard, there are cupolas at four corners, and it looks like a square city from a distance.

又在耶路撒冷使巧匠作机器,安在城楼和角楼上,用以射箭发石。And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal.

东西跨院间有长廊贯通,大门前左右角楼为鸣金、奏乐和了望处,东西两侧是辕门。Campus-wide corridor between things through, around the front of the turret as the Ming Jin, play music and look-at, east and west sides is Yuanmen.