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松子和南瓜子都是性增效剂。Both pine nuts and pumpkin seeds are sexual adjuvants.

它们连半块西瓜皮或是南瓜子儿都不给我留点。They didn't even leave me the watermelon rind or pumpkin seeds.

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我们品尝了六种不同的茶,还吃了多味南瓜子。We sample six different teas and eat multi-flavored pumpkin seeds.

您订购的南瓜子油和茶树洗发精已经到货了。The pumpkin seed oil and tea tree shampoo you ordered have arrived.

把南瓜子摊开在铺了不沾锅的液体或少量抹了植物油的烘焙板上。Spread on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick spray, or lightly coat with vegetable oil.

在童话世界里,南瓜子也有神奇的作用,它会让你的梦想成真。In fairy tale world, pumpkin seeds have magical effects, it can make your dreams come true.

结果槟榔南瓜子合剂驱出的猪带绦虫的超微结构与正常对照组基本相同。Results Paralysis was the main repellent mechanism of decoction of areca and pumpkin seeds.

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目的研究槟榔南瓜子合剂对猪带绦虫的杀虫机理。Objective To study the killing mechanism of decoction of areca and pumpkin seeds on Taenia solium.

对南瓜子粉加工工艺中的乳化稳定性进行了研究。This paper introduced emulsifying stabilization in the processing technology of pumpkin seed powder.

也被称作玻皮塔的南瓜子是完全可以食用的,包括它的壳。Also known as pepitas, pumpkin seeds are totally edible including the shell, and can be a great fiber-rich snack.

研究了南瓜子的萌发条件和萌发过程中游离色氨酸含量的变化。The condition of germination and the change of tryptophan content in pumpkin seeds during germination were studied.

你可以从烤小麦胚芽,牡蛎,芝麻,芝麻酱,南瓜子,黑巧克力,和花生得到锌。You can get zinc from toasted wheat germ, oysters, sesame seeds, tahini, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, and peanuts.

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结论槟榔南瓜子合剂对猪带绦虫的驱虫机理主要是麻痹作用,对神经无损伤。Conclusion Paralysis was the main repellent mechanism of decoction of areca and pumpkin seeds. But no injuries in nerve fibres.

椒盐脆饼干、坚果、干果、爆米花、奶酪、苏打饼干、南瓜子或葵花籽,以上这些零食都是营养丰富,尤其是葵花籽,含有大量的优质脂肪。Try pretzels, nuts, trail mix, popcorn, cheese and crackers, pumpkin or sunflower seeds. All of these snacks provide good nutrients.

万圣节有很多零食,比如南瓜馅饼、烘南瓜子、爆玉米花、苹果汁和粟米糖是万圣除夕的点心了。Halloween has a lot of snacks, such as pumpkin pie, baked pumpkin seeds, popcorn, apple juice and corn sugar snack in Halloween New Year's Eve.

但是,他们也会很微妙地送几只鸡,一些鸡蛋,或者一些烤烘过的南瓜子给秘书长或者主任。But they were also capable of unobtrusively sending a few chickens, some eggs, or some roasted pumpkin seeds to secretaries-general or directors.

上述结果表明超声提取南瓜子油与热溶剂提取法比较具有操作简便、省时和低酸价的优点。The above results show that ultrasonic extraction is more convenient and time-saving, and the oil extracted by this method has the lower acid value.

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南瓜可以做南瓜饼,蛋糕或其他的烘拷食品。烤干的南瓜子也是很好的一种食品。现在南瓜饼用的陷都可以批量生产了。Pumpkin is used in pies, breads, cakes and other baked goods. Baked pumpkin seeds are also a popular food. Pumpkin filling for pies is produced industrially.

在各地传统市场可以找到橘子、鞭炮,以及各式零嘴,像是糖果、开心果、南瓜子和瓜子。Items like tangerines and firecrackers and snacks such as candy, pistachio nuts, pumpkin seeds and melon seeds can all be found in local, traditional markets.

人们把南瓜做成派,面包,蛋糕和其他烘烤的食物。很多美国人还喜欢吃烘烤南瓜子。美国人还可以买加工过的南瓜罐头。People use pumpkin in pies, breads, cakes and other baked goods. Many Americans also like to eat baked pumpkin seeds. Americans can also buy processed pumpkin in cans.