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嗯,我是从距离远近来观察的。Well, when I looked at the distances.

这个城市因其众多的赌场而远近皆知。The town is notorious for its casinos.

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东京的樱花远近驰名。Tokyo is celebrated for cherry blossoms.

这所清华教授优秀,远近驰名。This educate is update to its excellent teaching.

这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.

远近四方的记者蜂拥而至,采访伦琴。From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.

台湾远近驰名的珍珠奶茶,居然可以不用任何一滴牛奶制成?Taiwan's famed milk tea, was able without any drop of milk?

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这就是驰名远近的莆阳廿四景之最——“湄屿潮音”。This is top of well-known Puyang twenty places of interest.

人们从远近不同的地方来到德尔斐寻求神谕智慧的忠告。Men came from near and far to seek the oracle's wise advice.

多址干扰引发严重的远近问题。Multiple access interference cause seriously near-far impact.

不管远近都是客人,请不用客气。孙悦。Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

远近各处都知道他是个航行于大海上的最勇敢的水手。He was known far and wide as the most daring sailor on the seas.

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辛巴达就是这样变得远近驰名、富可敌国吗?Is this how Sinbad had become so famous and fabulously wealthy ?

李富财阴险调皮,并且但愿享受,是远近最暴虐的人。Li Fucai was sinister and sensuous. He was the cruelest man around.

来自怡保的泽合白咖啡,独特的香味和口感而远近南驰名。Chek Hup Ipoh White Coffee is famous for it's unique aroma and taste.

使用助视器后,远近视力均有不同程度的提高。Vision was improved to different degrees after using low vision aids.

不管远近都是客人,请不用客气。Our guests, no matter where you come from, please make yourself at home.

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报道的繁简在一定程度上取决于距事件距离的远近以及涉事人。The extent of the coverage depends in part on proximity and who was involved.

作了在有远近效应情况下的性能比较。The performance comparison under the effects of near-far is also investigated.

无论离得远近,无论留得长短,无论说了什么,我将永远爱你。However far away, however long I stay, whatever words I say, I will always love you.