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我早早地从市里回了家。I got home early from the City.

我的公司在市里设有办公室。My firm was officed in the city.

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她是我们市里最好的老师之一。She is one of the very best teachers in our city.

市里的出租车甚至都贴有大熊猫的标志。Taxis in the city are even affixed with panda decals.

市里随处可见的人力车只需15美分。a. A rickshaw anywhere in the city costs fifteen cents.

他们把病孩送到市里最好的医院。They took the sick boy to the best hospital of the city.

萨瓦那市里的每一间旅馆都住满了可能的买家。Every hotel in Savannah was filled with potential buyers.

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集市里的人从货棚里盯着游客。The market people peered at the tourist from their booths.

安特卫普市里有着很多富丽堂皇的石造古老建筑物。There were a lot of majestic old stone buildings in Antwerp.

山地部落的人们在现代的集市里忙于叫卖着他们的商品。Hilltribe groups sell their wares in the busy, modern market.

我在街市里茫然四顾,我问自己,“谁才是真正的盲人?。And I look around. I wonder to myself that who really is blind.

“但愿汉密尔顿也在这几,”市里森登站了一会儿,歇了歇手。"Hope Hamilton's there." Brissenden paused and rested his hands.

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即使是超市里的劣次油也变得不那么讨厌了。Even the defective supermarket oil had become much less offensive.

在市里开车却遇到了交通阻塞,致使开会迟到了。We drive across town, run into traffic, and arrive late to a meeting.

伊姆兰汗发起的运动,在孟买市里引起了许多年轻人的共鸣。Khan’s campaign is striking a chord among many young people in the city.

约翰·基先生说,正向市里逼近的暴风雨可能会造成更严大的损失。Mr Key said a storm heading towards the city could cause further damage.

夜市里的其他人也因为害怕这头横冲直撞的大象而尖叫声此起彼落。Other people in the night market yelled in fear of the rampaging elephant.

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目前伤员们只能往零星漫衍在市里的诊所送。The wounded every the moment are taken to clinics dotted ingl around city.

大部分工人住在市里,我们有免费的通勤车接送他们。Most of them live in the city. We provide free commuter buses for the workers.

警方表示,仅在市里一个病房就发现了200-300具尸体。Police said between 200 and 300 bodies were found in just one ward of the city.