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他们的儿子阿牛烧火。Their son Aniu lit the fire.

把这些秆子带回去烧火。Take these stalks back to burn.

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他摘下一根烧火棍开始做示范。He picked up a poker and demonstrated.

我们开始烧火做饭。We began to light up the fire and cook our meal.

葡萄藤砍倒了只能烧火。As a vine cut down is fit for nothing but the fire.

他们的坦克都是垃圾,枪是烧火棍。There tanks are junk and there guns are cheap plinkers.

他将木头砍成小而短的木片,作为烧火之用。He was chopping wood into small, short pieces for burning.

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当时,有一烧火僧以“半’字为题,赋诗一首。At that time, a Shaohuo Monk "-'word for that, given Shiyi Shou ."

铁路已经贯穿西部,带来了可以建房子的木材,可以烧火的木柴和煤。Railroads were built across the west. They brought wood for homes.

我府上一个烧火的丫头都能轻松打死她。My your home a wenches for establishing a fire can easily kill her.

黄龙溪烧火龙起源于南宋时期。Burning fire dragon in Huanglongxi dated back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

工厂的司炉工在闹罢工,没有人替他们烧火。The factory's firemen went on strike, and there was no one to fire for them.

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它们的底部有开口烧火,在上部有开口放锅。They have an opening at the bottom for the fire and a place on top to put a pot.

如果一个男人在烧火时还烧剩最后一个木头时,他就会把那个木头留下来。If a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally.

烧火不但可以使草原肥沃起来,而且还能防止木本植物侵入草原。Burns keep the grassland fertile and prevent woody plants from encroaching on the savanna.

在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、护寺、护僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。In feudal society, the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons.

甚愿你们中间有一人关上殿门,免得你们徒然在我坛上烧火。Oh, that one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would not light useless fires on my altar!

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有一天,小鸟像往常一样外出收集用来烧火的小树枝时,碰巧在路上遇见他的表妹。One day, while the bird was on his usual trip out to gather twigs for the fire, he ran into his cousin.

农民们夜间用烧火的方法来加热周围寒冷的空气,以防止冰霜进一步破坏收成。Farmers are lighting fires at night to warm the cold air in a bid to prevent further damage from the ice.

开始,大伙儿都取笑她,但经不住她再三坚持,最后才同意让她干点烧火做饭、缝缝补补的杂活。They laughed at her. She persisted. Finally they allowed her to help with the cooking and to mend clothes.