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管理整个零件厂质量部。Manage the entire QA Dept.

读入一个VDA文件到零件。Read a VDA file into Part.

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找出他们的零件编号。Find the part number for them.

把这个零件安到这台机器上。Connect this part to the machine.

他在把零件装配起来。He 's fitting the pieces together.

他的工作是焊接零件。His job is to weld parts together.

具有互换性的零件的影响力The Impact of Interchangeable Parts

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他拆取电视机的零件。He disembowelled the television set.

这些零件完好地焊在一起了。The parts welded together perfectly.

较厚零件也有助于减少翘曲。Thicker parts also tend to warp less.

这零件你们要价太高了。喝茶减肥。Youare asking too much for this part.

这些零件已全部经过热处理。All these parts have been heat treated.

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这些物品可能会被运转的零件勾住。They can become caught in moving parts.

化工,化纤设备的零件。Chemical, chemical fiber equipment parts.

曲臂是车体中的重要零件。Cranks are important parts in a car body.

你有没有去卖零件的店问问看?Have you been to an auto-parts shop, sir?

这个零件分类成光电合嚣吗?Is this part classified as "Optocoupler"?

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砂型铸造用于生产大的零件。Sand casting is used to make large parts.

这类零件的尺寸必须准确。Such parts must be dimensionally correct.

这个零件被归类为光耦合器?。Is this part classified as "Optocoupler" ?