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那是一种光怪陆离的杂拌儿。It was a singular pell-mell.

他们把墙上涂抹得光怪陆离。They splashed the wall with different colours.

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他乐衷于汇集各类光怪陆离的故事。He collects specializing in various rabbit-hole story.

那是一种光怪陆离的杂拌儿。The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions.

光怪陆离的剧情让我们公务员丈二和尚摸不着头脑。This bizarre episode left us civil servants scratching our heads.

花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

他决定通过光怪陆离的颜色来赋予那些树木热烈的外观。He decided to give the trees a livelier look through psychedelic colors.

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没有什么比这种队伍更奇特和光怪陆离的了。Nothing could be more bizarre and at the same time more motley than this troop.

容易迷失在光怪陆离的人流,忘记曾经瓮牖绳驱的岁月。Easy to get lost in the lustrous and dazzling crowds, forget Wengyou rope drive time.

客岁本人持续几回莽撞的闯进了古堡,被光怪陆离恐怖的魔鬼打得落花流水。Last year I hid for several times, into the castle of various terrible beats the devil.

他的明星魅力和简朴在这个如此光怪陆离和奢侈浮华的城市中显得是那么令人诧异。His superstardom and simplicity seem surprising in a city so consumed by flash and showiness.

同时,金融市场已经变成了一个光怪陆离的大商场,充斥着选择和低门槛的信贷产品。The financial marketplace, meanwhile, has become a dizzying emporium of choice and easy credit.

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我并未在那些只适用于化装舞会上取乐的光怪陆离的假面后寻找你。I did not look for you behind the spangles of a tinsel vizard only suitable for an amusing masquerade.

就在离这光怪陆离的市中心不远处,我看到了两条污染程度之重是我见所未见的河流。Not too far from Chongqing's splendid city centre, I saw two of the most polluted rivers that I have ever seen.

但是,兰德的影响力丝毫没有因评论家的辱骂或是其崇拜者的光怪陆离而减弱。Yet Rand’s appeal has been undimmed by either the vituperation of her critics or the peculiarity of her admirers.

它描述了一个光怪陆离的、难以触及的、拥有它自己内在逻辑的世界,和我们生活的这个世界完全不同。It describes a bizarre and untouchable world that can evolve by its own logic, different from the one in our life.

他们的身体属于精美的时尚杂志、热线广告和光怪陆离的霓虹灯。Their bodies belong to the iconography of glossy illustrated magazines, advertisements, neon signs and hot-line ads.

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但是与此同时,华尔街也掌握了怎样通过光怪陆离的金融机制让这些资本流入发挥更强大作用的方法。But at the same time Wall Street learned how to turbocharge these capital inflows through exotic financial instruments.

我们红旗下长大的一代人不乏单纯,缺少斑斓,面对当今的光怪陆离,不免愕然。We, the generation brought up under the Red Bannet, being too simple to be riotous, ate stunned by the bizarre and motel today.

阿斯维尔的首都,曾因被一只妖力巨大的大妖怪侵占并以制造诸多光怪陆离的的魔法与生物而著称着。The capital of the Areswier kingdom, known for their creation of many magical terms was invaded by a large warm of monster that day.