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松鼠喜欢吃榛子。Squirrels like to eat hazels.

清新的坚果,榛子,皮香,青气。Fresh nut, hazelnut, skinny, green.

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请考虑吃一些杏仁、核桃或榛子。Think almonds, walnuts, or filberts.

做一道乐佩公主拿手的南瓜榛子汤。Make Rapunzel's Squash & Hazelnut Soup.

加入椰丝和榛子粉,用橡胶刮刀捞拌均匀。Add in coconut shreds and hazelnut powder.

让我猜猜,奶奶,那您就是榛子口味的。Let me guess, Grandmother. You're hazelnut.

把榛子放到烤箱里烤至焦黄。Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown.

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榛子富含矿物质和叶酸。Hazelnuts are rich in minerals and folic acid.

我曾经拿过一块榛子那么大的钚。I have handled Uranium the size of a hazelnut.

使葫芦胀大,鼓起了榛子壳To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

我总是想榛子,因此,这始终是我的工作。I always like hazelnut, so this always work for me.

新鲜的黄油和新鲜的榛子有某种程度的类似。Fresh butter and fresh hazelnuts have certain similarities.

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或许,你下一次能拿到更多的榛子呢。Then perhaps you may have some more filberts some other time.

当充满榛子酥皮奶油,他们是真正的治疗。When filled with hazelnut pastry cream, they are a real treat.

锯末和榛子壳使红酒口感更加涩。and sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent.

“烤羊肉锅肋眼,釉面菊芋,烤大蒜,榛子,蚕豆”。Pan roasted lamb rib eye, glazed jerusalem artichokes, roast garlic.

这套工艺可显著降低以榛子仁为原料生产单一产品的成本。The cost to produce single filbert product was significantly decreased.

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大理石般的外壳里隐藏了裹着糖衣的松脆杏仁榛子。It's marble-shaped shell with sugar coat and almond and hazelnut inside.

可提供果酱,混合的黄油,具有榛子的巧克力以做改变。Offer jellies, compound butters and chocolate-hazelnut spreads for a change.

热巧克力挞,配焦糖榛子,野莓和奶油。Warm Chocolate Tarte, with Caramelized Hazelnuts, Berry sauce, Cream spoons.