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那你还可以通过种菜省钱吗?Can you still save money with a garden?

我们在菜园里自己种菜。We grow our own vegetables in the garden.

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你爹娘在花园里种菜。Your parents grow vegetables in a garden.

你会自己种菜自己烧饭么?Would you cook more or grow your own food?

别把这两种菜籽搀杂在一起。Don't mix up the two kinds of vegetable seeds.

为了节省购买有机食品的开支,你可以试着自己种菜。To save money on organic food, try growing your own.

种菜是个好习惯,我的宝宝会热爱劳动。Love manual labour, do everything you can by yourself.

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如果你是个新手,你需要工具把地整理得适合种菜。If you're starting out, you'll need tools to till the soil.

种菜人们将夏天种出的农产品卖到当地的餐厅中。Produce grown in the summer months is sold to local restaurants.

每月都有600多名学生在这里学习种菜。More than 600 students a month have learned about gardening there.

很多人兴致勃勃地开始种菜,但出现困难后就放弃了。A lot of people start gardens and give up when the going gets tough.

这样他们就学会了最基本的种菜方法。You have just taught your little one the basics of vegetable gardening!

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一旦一种菜系流行起来后,人们总是希望能在家里也能做出同样的美味。And once a cuisine proliferates, people want to be able to cook it at home.

实现这个目标的方法之一就是鼓励孩子们学种菜。One way to accomplish this is to encourage them to learn vegetable gardening.

每一种菜料都有特别的、橙色和美味的、略带酸味感的味道。Each variety had that distinctive orange color and delicious spice-sour taste.

我们都知道怎么种菜,因为爸爸曾经是菜农。We all know how to plant vegetables for my father was once a vegetable grower.

在很多城市,只要你不从地里挖吃的或种菜,铅的影响就微乎其微。In many cities, leaded soil does little harm, unless you dig or plant food in it.

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这两种菜系的著名特色菜分别是烤乳猪和北京烤鸭。The famous specialities of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck.

本发明公开了一种菜籽饼或菜籽粕的脱毒方法。The invention discloses a method for detoxicating rapeseed cakes or rapeseed dregs.

有多种菜系,像上海菜和一些南方菜。They have a lot of different like, Shanghainese cuisine and some southern cuisines.