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你的襟怀胸襟有了…Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts.

宗教有襟怀旷大,超脱现世之精神。Open-minded religions Kuang large, detached spirit of this world.

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他没有强迫自己去襟怀胸襟大志或是去迅速扩张公司。He didn't force himself to dream big and to expand the company too fast.

渐渐天去了系这个人,谅解这个人,曲到爱上为行,是须要有十分广大的襟怀才止。You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind.

国恨家仇满襟怀,伍子胥可不愿坐以待毙。Country full of open-minded hatred of hate at home, Wu may not want to sit still.

记忆没有体积,它却可以让人敞开襟怀去拥抱整个时间。Memory whit no volume, but can make people to embrace the whole world with an open mind.

自嘲式风趣能让人们敞开襟怀胸怀和心思,比语言更能说服人担负一些想法。Self-deprecating humor can open hearts and minds to make people receptive to ideas in ways words alone cannot.

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我们难以拥有那样雄浑的襟怀,不知累积至那种广袤,需如何积攒每一粒泥土?It is difficult to have as broad a forceful, I do not know that to accumulate vast, how to save every one soil?

而对于一个襟怀博大的精神来说,不同意味着多姿多彩,差异包含着统一与和谐。But to a broad-minded one, difference means richness in colors and postures and diversity embodies unity and harmony.

于大千世界里,孩子们把心酸与痛苦都洒向爸爸您那保经风霜,宽厚慈祥的襟怀。In Taiqianshijie, the children are sad and painful that your father-Saxiang the Fengshuang, generous love, of caring.

如果你能发展宽恕的襟怀,这些品德将会辅助你克服痛苦,并对一切众生生起仁爱的态度。If you develop space to forgive then this quality will help you overcome suffering and develop a loving attitude to all.

所以,从大智慧大襟怀胸襟来看,大国们首先就得有这个勇气来面对和采取这个行动。So, from the great wisdom great mind to see, the big powers are first we must have the courage to face and take the action.

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随着日新月异的历史变迁,中国传统哲学逐渐以开放的襟怀融外在思想为内在智慧。With the history changing quickly, Chinese traditional philosophy opens her bosom to melt extrinsic ideas as intrinsic wisdom gradually.

有襟怀的丈夫,让老婆感应安心,觉得到平安,所以平常生涯比拟轻松,很少恐惧什么,可以完全展现本人的心里世界。Have her husband to wife, feel be at ease, feel safe, so the daily life more relaxed, little fear nothing, can fully show my heart world.

再者,分析萧先生的评赏风格,以见学人的襟怀气度。Next, an analysis of Professor Hsiao's commentary style in annotating lyric is followed, so as to see his great learning and personality.

祖国母亲在岁月砥砺中,以坚韧的脚步、博大的襟怀,成就一番中华气派,留下一路浩然壮歌!Temper in the motherland in the years to the tenacious pace, broad open-minded, achievement some Chinese style, leaving the way Haoran Zhuangge!

同时,我们也要建立高端的,与世界文化艺术进行交流的系统,以博大的人文襟怀吸纳世界艺术之精华,博采众长。We should also build a world art culture exchange system to absorb the essence of the word art. The future of Chinese oil painting is brilliant.

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如能这样做,才真正体现出有关国家首先是中国和美国,其次是朝鲜和韩国元首们的大智慧、大襟怀胸襟。If you can do this, truly reflects the relevant countries is first in China and the United States, followed by north Korea and South Korea leaders of great wisdom, big bosom.

根据英语翻译公司发现,他们性格“开放”的那一部门发生了持续的变化,特称表现在包括想象力、美感、情感、抽象概念以及广阔的襟怀胸襟上。Lasting change was found in the part of the personality known as openness, which includes traits related to imagination, aesthetics, feelings, abstract ideas and broad-mindedness.

神阿,吾辈荣光及万般至上的主人,那些灵魂已经回归您的身旁,请引领他们至您宏伟的襟怀胸襟,赐与安宁与救赎。God, our glorious god who created all in the world, those souls have just returned by your side, please usher them to your great bosom, and give these pitiful souls peace and salvation.