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阡陌相交,炊烟袅袅,江南的秋有写不尽的诗情。As we know, autumn in south has endless poetry.

他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。His play has endless charm, is implicit and poetry-rich.

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我心孕育的,只是莽莽的诗情。What I breed in my heart is only the expand sentiments of poetry.

浅了杯子,满了我思念,淡了色彩,浓了诗情。Light of the cup, full of my thoughts, faded color, concentrated in poetry.

这门无趣的学问吸引的大多是头脑清醒的数学怪才,而非满腹诗情的求索者。The dismal science attracts more sober-suited math geeks than poetic seekers.

秋是一个充满浪温诗情的金色丰收季节,也是一个新故事的开始。Autumn is a very warm waves of poetic golden harvest season, is also a new beginning.

这些作品是诗情、画意与理趣三者完美的结合。Such works were combinations of poetic beauty, idyllic scene and philosophical interest.

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一丝丝带着诗情暖意的风,轻轻吹拂过我的脸颊,总让人怀念。A trace with a poetic warmth of the wind, gently blowing over my face, leads people to miss.

并创造出诗情与画意、乐感、禅趣高度统一的独特艺术风格。And create a poetic and picturesque, ear, Zen interest highly uniform unique artistic style.

魏晋玄言诗人大多以谈玄名家,而非以诗情擅长。The metaphysical poets in the period were mostly good at metaphysicsinstead of poetry proper.

“诗情”与“道性”之间的张力,在僧诗题材的选取、物象的创设、意境的营构等方面都起着决定性的作用。The tension between charm and character is a decisive factor in theme, image and artistic conception.

可又是谁来了觅古之诗情,夜半更深到湖里放舟去了?But who was seeking the ancient poetry and in the midnight deeper to go into the lake and set free the boat?

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倾听钢琴诗人萧邦最经典的作品,感受古典音乐最沁人心脾的诗情。Listen to the most famous classical works from Poet of Piano, Chopin. Be touched by his most romantic music.

“文有诗情”,是柳宗元山水游记的一个重要特点。Proses with sophisticated appeal of poems", which is an important character of Liu Zongyuan's travel notes."

酒、诗与李白的个体合为一体,观李白的酒态可以看出他的诗情,读李白的诗歌可以想见其人格。We can get his poetry soul through his wining performance and can know his personality through reading his poems.

一切的悲愁都用诗情和智慧去点缀,那么你眼前将风光无限,天高海阔!All grief all use the poetic appeal and the wisdomembellish, then you at present scenery infinite, day Gao Haikuo!

与现代的新潮小说相比,汪曾祺的作品传统化因子最为丰富,诗情的承袭和画意的追求是其主要精神内核。Compared with modern pop novels, Wang's works with poetic and picturesque qualities contain very rich traditional factors.

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金克木的诗歌注重对主客体交融的“意象”选用,化古为今,反映了1930年代典型的现代“诗情”。Jinkemu poetry pays great attention to the subject of "image", choose for today, reflects the 1930s poetry "modern" typical.

诗情小说构成了王蒙小说创作的重要组成部分,是现代中国诗化小说的当代发展和衍化形态。Poetic novels are an important part of Wang Meng's works as well as the contemporary evolution of modem Chinese poetic novels.

诗情小说构成了王蒙小说创作的重要组成部分,是现代中国诗化小说的当代发展和衍化形态。Poetic novels are an important part of Wang Meng's works as well as the contemporary evolution of modern Chinese poetic novels.