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我更喜欢秋天。I prefer autumn.

而百花凋零的时候是秋天。And drama is autumn.

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树叶在秋天变黄。Leaves turn in autumn.

什么是秋天?Lesson 3. What is Fall?

秋天是唐装忙碌紧张的季节。Autumn is a busy season.

秋天她将回到家里。She'll be home by autumn.

当这张叶子是一张秋天的叶子时。When it's an autumn leaf.

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浦口的秋天怎么样?What about autumn in Pukou?

秋霜是秋天离开的序曲。Autumn is the autumn leaves.

但是秋天叶子会发生变化。But leaves change in autumn.

金色的秋天是收获的时节。Golden fall is harvest-time.

这儿的秋天真美。The autumn's marvelous here.

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秋天里枫叶满山红遍。A maple tree ablaze in autumn.

秋天是收获的季节。Autumn is a harvesting season.

秋天总是阳光灿烂、凉风习习。Fall is always sunny and cool.

我是秋天的细雨飏飏。I am the gentle autumn's rain.

秋天的风轻抚我的面庞。In autumn, it touches my face.

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那是一个天朗气清的秋天的黄昏。It was a crisp autumn evening.

秋天天气晴朗,秋高气爽。It's clear and cool in autumn.

秋天,许多紫苑花开放。Most asters bloom in the fall.