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基范是一个腼腆寡言的男孩。Kibum is a shy and silent boy.

她们自顾闲谈,以为我是一个寡言的人,习以为常。They take care of chat, that I am a reticent person, accustomed to.

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他打破了平时一贯沈默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我。He broke his habit of keeping silence and told me what happened exactly.

由于他的太太变成神秘兮兮,沈默寡言,使他烦得要命。He is worried sick because his wife has become secretive and uncommunicative.

文静寡言的娅德尔和受人尊敬的绝地大师尤达属于同一个神秘的种族。The quiet Yaddle was a member of the same mysterious species as the revered Jedi Master Yoda.

他寡言实干的一面十分适合发布坏消息然后告诉人们怎么去解决。His dour pragmatic side is well-suited to delivering bad news and explaining how to deal with it.

报纸上说这是一场无谓的悲剧,而她被说成是一名早熟而寡言的幸存者。A senseless tragedy, it was called, and she was described as a reticent and prematurely aged survivor.

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中方官员姓孙,是一位十分严肃、寡言的中年干部,身穿一件灰色的中山装。The Chinese official, Mr. Sun, was a somewhat stern, quiet, middle-aged cadre in a gray zhongshan-styled jacket.

其他一些症状还包括,难于学会技术和完成新任务,人格发生改变,像变得孤僻寡言。Others include difficulty with technology and new tasks, and personality changes such as becoming more withdrawn and less talkative.

他体味着生活中那份悲哀的孤独——囚禁在无爱的婚姻中,妻子齐娜冷漠寡言,只在乎自己的病情。He feels the sad loneliness of his life, locked in a loveless marriage to Zeena, a cold, silent woman, whose only interest is her own ill health.

我认为小驴咿唷应是一个寡言沉默的动物,而且言语多半会撩起忧愁情绪的,完全属于愤世嫉俗的那种,虽然猫头鹰无疑会把愤世嫉俗这个英文字的头个字母C错拼成S。I think of Eeyore as an animal of very few words, most of them depressing, cynical with a capital C, though Owl would undoubtedly spell it with an S.

他那些高个儿哥哥是些冷酷寡言的人,在他们身上,历史光荣的传统已经永远消失,沦落为默默的仇恨,爆裂出痛苦的幽默来了。His tall brothers were a grim, quiet lot, in whom the family tradition of past glories, lost forever, rankled in unspoken hate and crackled out in bitter humor.

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指望这琥珀色头发的塞壬尊严寡言或端庄贤淑,看来是愚蠢的,就象希望在云雀歌唱的清晰高音里听到厚实的低音一样。It would have seemed as foolish to expect dignified reserve or womanly gravity from this amber-haired syren , as to wish for rich basses in the clear treble of a skylark's song.

博文踏实寡言,擅长制作机械装置,梦想成为飞机师,曾在「鸡蛋飞行」比赛夺得冠军。Bo Wen steps close-lipped, Xuan of Zuo of arrogate to oneself makes place of instrument Xuan , thinks of Zuo , ever was in " Zuo egg Zuo goes " the that compare Zuo gets coronal Zuo.