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他绝对是我的侄子。He is absolutely my nephew.

卡梅隆向侄子卢克吼道。Cam shouted to his nephew, Luke.

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叫他的侄子给饿死了。Starved to death by his nephews.

他的侄子是一个粗野的年轻人。His nephew is an uncouth young man.

我的两个侄子来和我住在一起。My two nephews came to live with me.

沃森太太有一个侄子和一个侄女。Mrs. Watson had a nephew and a niece.

他对年轻,桀骜的侄子说。Abraham said to his young, wild nephew.

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小侄子,有人把你的爹爹杀了。Nephew? Someone just killed your father.

你的侄子詹姆将他们交给康宁顿。Your nephew Jaime gave them to Connington.

这是发生在我朋友的侄子身上的事。that's what happened to my friend's nephews.

我那正值青春期的侄子脸上长满青春痘。My teenaged nephew's face is covered with zits.

大卫十二月份将有一个小侄女或小侄子降生。David will have a niece or nephew this December.

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我曾经在下雪的时侯,带着侄子和侄女到那里玩儿。I've taken my niece and nephew there in the snow,

班弗里奥,蒙太古的侄子及罗密欧的朋友。Benvolio, nephew to Montague, and friend to Romeo.

他给他那些愚笨的侄子一些及时的劝告。He gave his foolish nephew some seasonable advice.

“谢谢,”侄子一边说一边把门撞上。"Thanks, " siad the nephew as he slammed the door.

但一个领导人的体弱多病的侄子也被提名。But a nephew of the sickly leader is also a nominee.

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我不知道他的侄子杰克已加入海军陆战队。I did not know his nephew Jack became a leatherneck.

一天他外出,他的侄子将牛牵到集市上卖了。One day when he went out, his niece sell the ill cattle.

辉儿、杜儿和路儿是谁?他们是唐老鸭的侄子。Who are Huey, Dewey and Louie? They're Donald's nephews.