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气机郁滞是诱发疾病的关键。Stagnation of qi is crucial for recovery of disease.

使用这种袜子已成为预防静脉郁滞的常规措施。They are used as a routine preventative treatmet of venous stasis.

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长期禁食,缺乏营养,可导致胆囊内胆汁郁滞,结石形成。Long-term fasting, lack of nutrition, can cause gallbladder in YuZhi bile, stone formation.

郁证是临床常见疾病之一,是由于情志不舒、气机郁滞所引起的一类病证。Melancholia is one of the common diseases which is due to emotional upset and stagnation of qi.

针对肝内胆汁郁滞症采用中医辩证施治治疗。To adopt the treatment of TCM Bianzhen Lunzhi to treat the syndrome of hepatic bile stagnation.

消化性溃疡属祖国医学“胃脘痛”范畴,其病因病机多由于脾胃虚弱,湿热郁滞,气机不畅。The main reason and mechnism is the weakness in spleen-stomach and the stagnation of damp-heat leads to Qi obstruction.

长时间坐着,血液会郁滞在腿部从而激活了凝结因子而形成血凝结。With prolonged sitting, blood can pool in the legs leading to activation of clotting factors and formation of a blood clot.

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胆汁郁滞的常见原因则为胆囊收缩功能障碍,胆道梗阻及胆汁流变特性改变。Bile stasis is commonly caused by contractibility of gallbladder dysfunction, obstruction of the biliary duct and bile rheological changes.

在膀胱以上梗阻,显示郁滞及延迟,引流,对于确定及估计梗阻的严重性是重要的。In supravesical obstruction, demonstration of stasis and delayed drainage is essential to establish and measure the severity of obstruction.

另一方面,便溏和腑气郁滞可以影响肺气的肃降造成喘咳和胸闷。On the other hand, loose stools and the stoppage of fu-qi may affect the descent of lung-qi, giving rise to asthmatic cough and chest distress.

若肝气郁滞,疏泄失常,则常见经行乳胀、经行心烦、经行善太息、经行情绪抑郁、月经先后无定期、痛经或闭经等。Be like sluggish of gloomy of diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain, sparse release is wrong, MenstruationWait without fixed, dysmenorrhoea or amenorrhoea early or late.

一般认为,胆汁成分改变及胆汁郁滞是重要因素,前者较为复杂,将另作研究。General understanding is that the change of bile composition and bile stasis arc the leading factors. The former is a complicated probem and it will be related to in another paper.