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她考试从不左顾右盼。She never copies during examinations.

但是很多男人并没结束自己左顾右盼的心理和行为。However, So many men do not stop grazing round.

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自我怀疑,比如害怕或者左顾右盼,你也不例外,该怎样就怎样就好。Self-doubt, like fear, seeks everyone. You are no exception.

那个人十分可疑,瞪着贼眼左顾右盼的。That guy is very suspicious, his shifty eyes move constantly.

考试进行时,不准谈话或左顾右盼。There is no talking or glancing right and left during the test.

他们丝毫没有左顾右盼,一直朝着直升机走去。They looked neither left nor right, just focused on the helicopter.

妈妈骑著马在我周围转来转去,左顾右盼,一脸的不安,“怎麽了?”My mother jumped around to look at me and had a nervous look on her face.

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我左顾右盼,见四下没人,就面露凶光。I glance left and right, see every where nobody, noodles Lou fierce light.

自我怀疑,比如害怕或者左顾右盼,你也不例外,该怎样就怎样就好。Self-doubt, like fear, seeks everyone. You are no exception. Just do it anyway.

它扫视着找寻着身下的猎物,长着华丽靛蓝色羽冠的头颅不时左顾右盼。It scans for prey below, its magnificent indigo-crested head cocking left, then right.

从未见过这种阵势的CEO必然一脸惊奇地左顾右盼,被其完全吸引。CEO who has never seen it before must be very surprised and look around, totally attracted.

锐眼骑士左顾右盼之下,显然已经失去了方寸。The sharp-eyed knight glance left and right under, obviously have already lost a square inch.

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无需再左顾右盼,看看近几年来消费者在线购买行为的变化就足以说明问题。Look no further than the change in consumers' online behavior in the last few years, said Gulley.

女人站在孤零零的马路中间,左顾右盼看是否有车经过。The woman stood in the middle of that lonesome road, scanning in both directions for another car.

债务限额期来临时,他们就会左顾右盼,说‘现在到底在做什么好?When debt limit time comes, they’re going to look around and say, ‘What in the hell do we do now?

他深蓝色的眼睛迅速的左顾右盼,想寻找他所熟悉的妈妈的面孔。His dark blue eyes dart left and right in search of the familiar reassurance of his mother's face.

活动期间应确实遵守集合时间,活动讲解时,应保持安静且专心听,勿左顾右盼。请随身配戴名牌。Pay attention and be quite in classes and the daily activities, please wear your name at all times.

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他穿过马路时,左顾右盼,害怕撞到过路的车子上。While crossing the street, he looked right and left, afraid that he might run into some passing car.

他穿过公路时,左顾右盼,害怕撞到过路的车子上。While crossing the street , he looked right and left, afraid that he might run into some passing car.

他们顾及着自己的举止,低声说话,左顾右盼,确认没有被其他人听到。Mindful of their own behavior, they speak in low voices, checking to make sure no one else is listening.