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第二,许多嫉妒只是局部范围的。Second, a lot of envy is local.

局部可见粉红色类骨质。Focally, pink osteoid is present.

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webfonts或局部加载的字体?Webfonts or Locally loaded fonts?

他的左手现已局部麻醉。His left hand has been narcotized.

肺癌局部T细胞多处于非活化状态。Most of T cells were non-activated.

重新定义局部铣削的顶角。Redefine corners for local milling.

您的皮肤局部有涂过药膏吗?Have you had any creams or ointments?

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指令集增设局部。The Thumb-2 instruction set extension.

所有的病例都进行局部自体植骨。In all cases, local autograft was used.

断面图及局部放大图。Cuts and drawing of partial enlargement.

包含局部性和地区性的差异contain local and regional variation, and

局部凸的模糊拓扑向量空间。Locally convex I-topological vector space.

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本文主文分为四个局部。The main paper is divided into four parts.

使用局部页面呈现事件。Working with Partial-Page Rendering Events.

无下咽局部复发者。No local hypopharyngeal recurrence occurred.

选择性局部锐化东西不容吧可施用。No selective area sharpening should be done.

所以,头发不需要任何局部护理。So, hair doesn’t need any topical treatment.

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局部骨质破坏,日光放射样改变。Destruction of bone with sunburst appearance.

下图是这个局部的再次放大。Here is even a further blowup of this region.

同时提高了肿瘤的局部控制率。The local control rate of tumor was improved.