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是时候动用原力了。It’s time to use the force for good.

电动机起动用电抗器或电阻器“,”Motor Starting Reactor and Resistor.

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试问你动用你的想象力干了什么?What are you using your imagination for?

然后萨拉就会动用“哈”武器。Follow Sarah would arm the nukular weapons.

现在动用了我们最后的旋压的储备了。There goes the last of our spinning reserve.

你将动用正面的力量。You will be using the power of affirmations.

人们只知道赢政动用了几百万民工。It is known that Chin used millions of workers.

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企业动用律师的情形远多于过去。Companies use lawyers far more than in the past.

他只好动用存款来付债。He had to dig into savings to pay current debts.

这笔钱非经批准不得动用。This fund may not be drawn on without permission.

但鉴于该条款通常不受欢迎,公司不太会动用。But their notoriety dissuades firms from using them.

合理安排,让这些钱少动用你的薪水。Arrange to have the money withdrawn from your paycheck.

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在那次战斗中,他们动用了炮兵部队。In that battle, they brought the artillery into action.

只有在停车时才动用手刹。Only use the handbrake when your vehicle is stationary.

我们可要动用我们储蓄的钱去买房子。We shall have to break into our savings to buy the house.

双方均动用了大炮与重型机枪。Both sides engaged in artillery and heavy-machinegun fire.

诚然,对预算法案动用否决权意味着冒着政府关门的风险。Of course, vetoing the budget risks a government shutdown.

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有关官员称,尸体已动用航空母舰进行海葬。Officials say the body was buried at sea from a Navy ship.

所以我来找你,希望动用你的权力和影响力,找回我的儿子,拉尔夫!So I came to you, to use yours. Get me back my son, Ralph!

它会动用其他组织液或者系统来维持。It will do this at the expense of other tissues or systems.