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弱小的表面张力也促使了泡泡增长速度变快。Low surface tension also helps bubbles grow quickly.

发酵后,发酵液的表面张力降至25mN﹒m-1左右。But after ferment, the surface tension is only 25 mNm-1.

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表面张力之量测乃使用固著液滴和悬垂液滴两种方法。The methods used are the sessile and pendant drop tensiometry.

电镀溶液表面张力过大,湿润剂不足。Plating solution surface tension is too large, wetting agents insufficient.

基于此,提出了一种测量液相线温度下表面张力的方法。So a method to measure the surface tension at liquidus temperature was proposed.

表面孔率、面组分及表面张力也都是相关因素。Surface porosity, surface composition and surface tension are all relevant factors.

利用硅压阻式力敏传感器测量液体表面张力系数。The liquid surface tension coefficient was measured by si-resistance-strain sensor.

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药液的表面张力与靶标的临界表面张力愈接近,药液在靶标上容易润湿铺展。Dilution is easier wetting and spreading on target with its ST nearer to CST of target.

表面张力的控制是陶瓷印油产品的主要控制指标之一。Surface tension is one of the important control parameters of the ceramic squeegee oil.

采用吊板法测量溶液的表面张力。Surface tension of LiBr solution with surfactants was measured by Wilhelmy plate method.

同样,基托与粘膜间良好的密合性可增强表面张力。Once again, close adaptation of the denture base to the mucosa will enhance these forces.

我们利用了废医用输液管、注射器等自制了一套表面张力测定仪。We use a tube of medical waste, syringes, such as a surface tension of self-made detector.

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两类预聚物水分散系的表面张力均远小于纯水。The interfacial tension of the acquired dispersions was lower than that of deionized water.

说明表面张力具有使得自由面返回到平衡位置的作用。This proved that the surface tension causes free surface returning to equilibrium location.

动量方程求解中考虑了热表面张力与浮力联合驱动流。The thermocapillary and buoyancy driven flow are included in the solution of momentum equations.

外推的原因和结论都不清晰,分子表面张力也可能是渐进趋向于零。the molecular surface tension could just as easily be asymptotic with respect to the zero point.

反蛋白石是一种有着微管道结构的薄片,它表面张力系数不同的液体非常的敏感。The inverse opal is a chip with micro-channels sensitive to liquids of specific surface tensions.

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你滴入水中的洗碗精破坏了原本的表面张力,所以迴纹针会下沉。The soap drops you added to the water broke the surface tension and caused the paperclip to sink.

探讨了吸附物对金刚石模量或表面张力的影响。The effects of adsorbate on moduli and surface stress of the diamond thin films were investigated.

他们的推理是,受到液体与毛发之间的表面张力,水一定弹回狗身上。They reasoned that the water is bound to the dog by surface tension between the liquid and the hair.