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向着耶稣唱,活下去!Sing to Jesus and live!

你老是向着他。You always take his side.

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球便向着一只划过来的小船飞去。It went towards a passing boat.

只见神秘学向着数学飞舞。See Mystery to Mathematics fly!

老板向着仆人吼叫。The boss bellowed at the servant.

比克斯比夫人向着门口走去。Mrs. Bixby moved towards the door.

我向着第六个烽火台进发。I embarked toward the sixth beacon.

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我喜欢看它们向着太阳的样子。I love them leaning toward the sun.

向日葵向着太阳。The sunflower turns towards the sun.

我的内心是向着巴莱罗和范里宁的。My heart is with Valero and Van Reenen.

抽水站隆隆口向着开始工作了。The pumping station roared into action.

再来一次,向着另一个丗界。Come again, come again to the other side.

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你可曾听到过野狼向着冷月的哀嚎?Or have the eagle tell you where he's been?

向着新中国发出万丈光芒!It sheds bright radiance over all new China.

沙宾在大海深处向着你歌唱。Sabine sang to you from the depths of the sea.

有时,它向着天空,仿佛奥维德笔下的人物。Toward the sky at times, like the man in Ovid.

总之,阳狮正在向着胜利前进!With warmest wishes for great successes ahead.

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把住舵,看能否使船头向着风。Take the wheel, see if we can make her come to.

她向着皎皎的月亮舒展双臂。She stretched her arms towards the glowing Moon.

仙女向着大南瓜挥舞起了魔棒。The fairy waved her magic wand at a big pumpkin.