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“您好。”是客气的套语。"How do you do?" is a polite formula.

使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。Cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

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也许能找到一些含糊不清的套语来遮掩这些分歧。Some vague formula may be found to paper over the disagreements.

当他写完最初几行套语以后,他抬起眼睛说When he had written the first lines, which are formulas that never vary, he raised his eyes

放松套语中应尽量排除专业术语,使语言通俗易懂,贴近生活。We should reduce special terms, and the language should be easy to understand and close to the life.

无论何种方式的商务信函都应注意语气、态度、用词和符号的选择以及商务套语。Attention should be paid to the tone, attitude, choice of words, signs and clichés, which will be explained with examples in the thesis.

国外学者认为通过使用套语和重复练习,可习得和提升非母语言语流利性。Foreign scholars believe that parole fluency of nonparent language can be improved and attained by learning phrases and idioms, and by practicing repetition.

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套语体现了法律语言程式化的特点,它常使商务英语和法律英语专业的学生感到棘手。Formulaic expressions account for the stylization of legal language, and thus constitute an obstacle to students who major in Legal English or Business English.

汉语客套语以“再见”等标记词语V形成的结构,可以用于话语的开始、终端或持续中。Constructed with the V signal word of "good-bye" and others, the structure of the Chinese polite greetings can start a remark, be used at the end or during the course.

其次,还要注意写作技巧,遵循四部式的信函结构,并善于使用商务英语信函中的套语和特殊表达法。Second, must pay attention to the writing skills, follow the type of four letters structure, and be good at using the sets of business English letters and special expression.

布拉德利说,新闻自由这一说法已几乎成了一种"俗套语",也就是说,在讨论记者采写稿子应有独立性时,该字眼已变得非常普通。The term press freedom has become almost a “bromide,” said Bradlee, meaning that it has become too commonplace an expression for discussing reporters’ independence to pursue their stories.

西方,特别是法国的一批学者自19世纪中期开始就将套语用于社会批判,使这一来自亚里斯多德的古老概念进入学术视野。Doxa, as a linguistic manifestation of ideology of a society and a concept originated from Aristotle, was first applied to social criticism by French scholars in the middle of the 19th century.