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在2010和2011年,疫情应对情况并不尽如人意。In 2010 and 2011, outbreak response has been inadequate.

不过尽管丰田的发展不断加速,结果也并不全尽如人意。But even as Toyota built up the revs, all has not been well.

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结果不尽如人意,才上学的第一天小孩就出师不利。First day of school and already your child is having a bad year.

但是实际上你很可能搞砸一切,特别是当它不尽如人意产生反效果的时候。In fact, you might ruin everything, especially if the sex is bad.

有时候,尽管我们尽力了,结果还是不尽如人意。Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the outcome is not positive.

但三年后的今天,这一共识的实施尚不尽如人意。Three years has passed, and its implementation is not to our satisfaction.

不过奥斯卡专家组有个坏习惯——看人下菜,结果往往不尽如人意。But Oscar has a bad habit of making things personal, and not in a good way.

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这就是新生的商业空间飞行产业不尽如人意的现状。Such is the offbeat nature of the emerging commercial spaceflight industry.

关键是要意识到变化可能是好的也可能不尽如人意。The point is to realize that change can be great and that it can’t as well.

近期中国金融机构的收购表现并不尽如人意。Recent purchases by Chinese financial institutions have not turned out well.

你惟一的快乐时光便是一切都顺顺当当尽如人意。The only time you're likely to be happy is when everything is working out just right.

虽然结果不尽如人意,但基督教对他们的影响是不可忽视的。The result is not satisfactory, but the influence of Christianism can not be ignored.

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除此之外,它的存储容量也不太尽如人意,仅能存储一张专辑的歌曲量。Besides, the memory capacity won't be the best, as it is designed to only store one album.

除此之外,它的存储容量也不太尽如人意,仅能存储一张专辑的歌曲量。Besides, the memory capacity won’t be the best, as it is designed to only store one album.

目前高校的党风廉政宣传教育有很多难以尽如人意的地方。There are still some unsatisfactory aspects as to the college propaganda of Party honesty.

与如此强烈的时代要求形成鲜明对比的是民营医院人力资源管理现状的不尽如人意。With contrast to the age' s hot demand is the unsatisfactory fact of our private hospital.

当然,许下承诺比履行承诺要容易得多,毛派的政策不会尽如人意。Of course, making big promises is easier than keeping them, and the Maoists will disappoint.

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是啊,凡事都无法尽如人意,当你得到的时候出许你已经失去了更宝贵的!Is ah, everything unavoidable when you get out of the time you have lost allow more precious!

中国报纸中消息来源不明的报道在准确度上一向都不尽如人意。Anonymously sourced stories in Chinese newspapers have a less than stellar record of accuracy.

从效率与公平两个方面来考量,我国的证券法律、法规还不尽如人意。Considering it from two aspects of efficiency and justice, the legislations is unsatisfactory.